5 o'clock's winter garden

Right on!! This looks promising to be a great grow. I use a 6' x11' x7' room myself so I am really curious to see how you lay it out. Do you veg there too? I use a bathroom for veg/moms/cloning........

Great luck to you Sir! +rep4u


I'm actually in th laying out stage of th room. I had to move from my other place I did th first grow so this has to be done from scratch. I plan on building a cabinet in the room that will house the clones under 24/7 of flo light to keep them small til I can start thinning out the numbers. I will be flowering the plant and keeping the clones to use as th mother plants because I don't have time for the clones to grow then flower. As the plants show they will be seperated. If you look back in my first grow you will see the different strains I started with. I kept seeds from the B and E plants and also planted some I got in a really good bag. I marked the 3 different strains with toothpicks in their cups so I can tell them apart.

As for guessing the yeild for the other guy I don't have any idea. I'm trying to find breeding stock worthy of keeping. As I grow for myself and the lucky few who come over to visit, I don't need much. I have been smoking so long that it has to be rather strong to effect me and I don't find that on the streets here. I did try some "AK-47" that I paid $30 a gram for and still did 4-5 bongs for something I thought would knock me out in 1.

I fixed the humidity problem with the foil faced insulation. The room has a lot of work still. I have to install some type of ventilation system and build a small light proof grow cabinet to house clones while the room is used for flowering. This means I can only acess the clones when the lights are on so as not to interupt th light cycle. I had to give somewhere and that's my consesion.

I have a few of the indinca on their 6th node and showing leaves at the node sights. These will be grown out then topped with the top being the clone thus keeping the plants short and giving the lower nodes a chance to catch up for an awsome SOG grow. Some of the late bloomers are still starting their 4th nodes. I will be marking and recording rate of growth and leaf structures so when they all look alike I will remember what the seedling traits were.

Christmas party last night and my wife took the camera to work so I can't take any pic's til tonight. til then......Puff...puff...passsssss...bongsmilie
Here they are.... I moved up the light after finding th temps in the upper 80's when I got home. I picked up the cloner today and after looking at it I think I can modify it to get more spots by using a 5 gallon bucket and some pvc. We'll see... I may have gotten carried away with th mylar and reflective insulation but what the hell, i had it....

Several of the plants are turning out some good growth at the nodes. Looks promising..... :mrgreen:


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haha! yeah I saw that last night and was going to post a comment and this thing wouldn't let me.......musta been the devil.......:hump:


It seems like I've been gone only hours, because it was, and I already see more growth. I re used the soil in some of the pots i used last time and mixed it with some fresh 50/50. I think th soil is pretty rich and even though I mixed it pretty well there are some hot spots and some of the plants have some burning on the lowest leaves. Probably not such a good idea but what the hell, I'm cheap....

They really have shown growth on the lower nodes as i found one plant already producing a second node on the growth off the main stem. Some of the plants are really getting big and will need to be transplanted soon. I happened to be in lowes the other day and saw they carry the HPS and MH bulbs by sulvania for around $20 dollars but they don't sell ballast for them. I'll keep that in mind if I ever need a bulb...

This is starting to feel like a job already. i think once I get the set up how I want it it will be less hectic. I need a shelf and ventalation system maybe this weekend. I'm done with christmas shopping so they can have it, I'm staying home....
Took these pic's yesterday around noon. I took the plants with the most growth at the nodes and transplanted them into bigger pots. I had several plants I didn't have cups for when i planted and thought I'd put 2 in one. I waited to long on transplanting them and their roots had tangled pretty well. I wound having to knock all the soil off the roots to seperate them. I was able to save all of them and all are doing fine. I put in some plant tabs to help ease the stress of the transplant. The 3 cups on the left have all the double plants that i seperated and diredtly under them is the pic of the 7 after seperation. The seedling was a surprise. Didn't expect a seed to pop this far in. The ones in the middle are the sativa. The next 2 are a mix and the one on the right as well as all the double plants are from the "Kind bud"? Never heard of it but thats what they told me it was called.

I took the plants with the slowest growth and hung the T-5 above them near the 400 Watt MH so they could get some extra light and maybe help bush them up a little more. I also put all the plants that had grown together and I seperated under this light. I thought the weaker light may give them a better chance of survival.

I read several threads recently and ran across one written by epixbud that was about how to make an 80 sight cloner. I went to the hydro shop and asked the guy about the pump that came with the kit and if it sould handle the amount of flow needed. He said it would be close and advised me to get an air stone also. I don't think I'm going to go that big but I would want a cloner that could hold the plants i have while I flower the plants.

Went to the rams vs 49ers game in st louis today, even though we are bears fans. We needed a football fix and couldn't score bears packers tickets. Wow oh wow.... They suck! 16 to 3 heading onto the 4th and they lost! Wow..... Anyway I haven't had a chance to work on the plants tonight so i will update later on, for now here's the pic's from yesterday.


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All are still doing fine. 3 of the transplanted ones that are heavey sativa have started to grow more than the others while some of the seeds from that plant are just showing node growth, got me....

I'm keeping my eye on the ones I had to seperate they were a little droopy.. Pic's when their's something to see..
Almost half of the plants were showing signs of n dif so i mixed up a very weak solution of bio-grow. They didn't like it at all. All but 3 wilted on me by the time I got home. Flushed with some water and this morning they have almost all recovered. I still have a lot of yellowing on the bottem sets of leaves on about 1/3 of the plants. I think i over worried about that on the first grow and overcompensated so this time i won't concern myself so much and take a slower more laid back approach on it this time. I will give them another feeding in a few days.

My soil ph is just below 7 and I think i might add some lime to bring this down. i'm starting to wonder if the ph isn't allowing the plant to absorb the nitrogen. I want to bring it down to 6.5 or so. Not much growth on the smaller plants but several of the bigger plants that got transplanted have taken off. Several of them will be able to be cloned in a week or so.
ho ho ho, watch my winter garden grow. I came home tonight and they all had perked up and were reaching for the light again. Even the ones that had to have their roots untangled. Santa must have got my letter...

Dear santa,

My plants are not feeling so good after their christmas meal. Can you help them out? Please?......

I'll get some pic's after the holiday.....

Merry christmas to all who stop by and read this. And may the new year bring you happiness and good buds!!!
So I had a plant that was streatching, the only plant that was streatching. The first pic. So I decided what the hell I'll lower the light. it's a t-5 and it will still be 5 inches above the plants, should be safe right? Boy was I wrong! I let just enough of the strap out that it was no longer doubled over and while I was at my in-laws it dropped right down on top of the plants under it. Thank God it was a flo, they got a little bent and a few seemed a little droopy but they look fine and i don't think it was sitting like that all that long. This comes after i knocked over a cfl into another plant when i put the fan to close and blew it over. Again no major damage, but I'm really going to have to put some time into this room this weekend. I took a pic of the group, there's 49 again after that surprise seedling.

The other pic's are of the nice looking babies that are almost ready to clone. I can really tell the dif in these two strains in the pic. The long streatchy sativa and the dense short indica. The third is a mix of both but I don't know to what degree.

Lastly I added some pic's of the rams game and two of the cheerleaders that stopped for a pic:hump: They were the best part....


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thank heavens it was a fluro man could of beeen nasty. And thank heavens for little girls too lol.
Finally, all th hecticness of the holidays is nearly behind me. Just new year's eve and I can start putting my house back in order. Out with the old toys and in with the new. Put away all the clothes the kids have outgrown and hang all the new ones santa and the relatives got them. Put away all the decorations, take down the lights and the tree. Put away the wrapping paper and boxes for next year. I'm so glad it's only once a year.

I had watered the plants and gave them another dose of bio-grow two days ago. i checked on for the first time in almost 48 hours because i had been busy with family stuff. Several of them are showing already, at least 3 female and 1 pos male. I didn't have time to take a close look but I will go back tonight to transplant into bigger pots the ones that are def female and I will take some of the ones that are starting to get root bound and put them in some bigger pots.

Well it's off to the grow room to do some work. i'll try to get some pic's up later...

PS... Did anyone else freak out when they signed into RUI in the last 48 hours and saw that the skin had changed? I thought I was baked and at the wrong site til I remembered that i hadn't smoked anything..... Just wondering...
I found 7 females. I put those in larger 2 gallon pots. I removed 9 males and a bunch that never took off or that got to stressed and I had some that streatched pretty badly that i got rid of also. I saved the ones with the tighest node growth and the ones that grew the fastest and looked the healthiest. I took all the plants up one container size so the ones that were in the 4 oz cups are in the 12 oz. The 12 oz cups went into the quart pots. And the quart pots went into the 2 gallon pots. I had to raise the light because the plants are farther apart. I still have the 400 MH and the 2-26w cfls and the 4-24w HO T-5's.

Through process of elimination it is down to 7 females and 17 other yet unknown.


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My wife let me have some money for chrstmas so I went shopping. I picked up a PH meter instead of guessing with the drops. It was a good thing too, I was way high on ph compared to what I thought it was on the drops. I also picked up another light and hood. It's a 400w HPS only. I already have the 400w convertable MH/HPS and I was going to use it for flower only so the hydro guy cut me a deal because it was a display. I also picked up a sealed light hood. I have several more that are almost ready to show. I wasn't expecting this until they were about 6 weeks or so but I'm not complaining. I've seen some resin glands starting to form on some of the leaves on both male and female plants. These are the ones I'm marking for breeding. I'm going to give them another week then take my cuttings and flower them.