69% of americans say trump is a pathological liar

What does any of that have to do with the fact that you wrote this:

Bwahahahaha! Did you learn about Twin Flames on the Oprah?
Another badge award son...

Another badge award son...

You also wrote:

Apparently there is a spiritual awakening on the planet at the present time, and one of the phenomena associated with this is the extremely little known paradox is the twin flame.

Twin flame is where the two people share the same sole, literally, some say it is the higher consciousness, some say it is God/Angels but when it does happen it is profound to say the least, everyone that encounters this says then KNOW because it is a direct mirror image and is overwhelming at the first meeting. It is way more than a sole mate, think amplified by about 100 times!!!
Its surprisingly easy if you like your own company to start with lol

Which reveals the truth about simpering jackasses who think there is such a thing as a Twin Flame. You're an entirely unjustified narcissistic moron who thinks the only thing that could make you happy is another person...wait for it...JUST LIKE YOU!


One of you is one too many, skidmark.
Last edited:
You also wrote:

Which reveals the truth about simpering jackasses who think there is such a thing as a Twin Flame. You're a entirely unjustified narcissistic moron who thinks the only thing that could make them happy in another person...wait for it...JUST LIKE YOU!


One of you is one too many, skidmark.
You also wrote:

Which reveals the truth about simpering jackasses who think there is such a thing as a Twin Flame. You're an entirely unjustified narcissistic moron who thinks the only thing that could make them happy is another person...wait for it...JUST LIKE YOU!


One of you is one too many, skidmark.
