7 week old plant. starting nutrients


Active Member
hey guys
i got a plant going and it was going strong for a while and now i am going to be introducing fox farm grow big for the first time ever than when it starts to bloom switch to the the super bloom. does anyone have any advice in terms of how much nutrient to use in how much water and how frequently?


Well-Known Member
Water 'em when they are dry and feed them nutes every third watering or so. Write it down cuz time between waterings will vary as they grow.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I use the same nutes for my plants as do many people.

Start at 1/4 tps per gallon, then do half strength for the next 2 times then up it to full strength 1 tsp per gallon the 4rd time (approx 2 weeks between ferts is what I do)

This works well for me, not necessarily for you. Just my input


Well-Known Member
I use FF Grow big with every watering. I started off 1/2 strength then after 2 weeks I was full strength. My Skunk #1 eats every other day (nutes included) and the rest of the ladies I feed nutes when dry, normaly every 4th day. When pot is light feed.
You can see them on my signature, going to flower Skunk next friday, then wait 2 weeks and add Northern lights, then 2 weeks later maybe a Kush.


Be careful with Fox Farm. Easy to overfeed. DO NOT FOLLOW instructions on bottle, follow them from their website (there is a feeding sched on there). If Im not mistaken, Grow Big is not even used till week week 2 or 3. I believe it starts with 2 TBL Big Bloom per gal the first week or two, then 2 TBL Big Bloom with 2 tsp Grow Big after the second week. Tiger Bloom is a steady 2 tsp per gallon from like week 5 (or whenever flowering starts) on. Never understood why they don't fix their labels.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
7 weeks :O wow!

i've found that i can just tell when the plants need to be wartered, they get a little sad and yeah, feedin time! as to amounts, start on half strength and move up over a few weeks