7000 sq ft warehouse

totally agree, just thought he acted like a douche, when he started talking like " i can't anwser that, i got people paying me to give that kind of answers".
my question would of taken 2 minutes to answer.

He gave me tons of helpful advice at no charge. All he is saying is he would like to be compensated for the deep secrets that he has learned over the years.

Every good grower has their own twist to help yields and product.
I would like to grab a couple strains from you. Grapes, BBK, CinX and the presidential if that works? I agree I am in good hands with snaps.
I would like to grab a couple strains from you. Grapes, BBK, CinX and the presidential if that works? I agree I am in good hands with snaps.
If he doesnt answer it's cause he's already on the way over to bring the clones and blueprints for your totally real warehouse grow,just wait outside for him..youll recognize him from his avatar pic.

Ok, well, then for something like this, you will want to use water chilled air conditioning. It comes in cheaper than standard HVAC(it is significantly cheaper to install) and is more effective than standard HVAC. Sometimes you don't even need to pull permits for an installation(this is a local code thing, and I've never heard of local code stating you can get away with NOT pulling permits for standard HVAC) For the size of this grow, 80kW, I don't see you needing more than 40-50 tons total.
This is 100% business for profit. Taxes for the state of Washington. I may not agree with what the state is doing to there medical patients. I think it actually sucks. It doesn't mean I wont take advantage of making some taxable money.
Ahh, that's a bit larger. You are looking at 200-225 tons then. With builds this size, it is important to recognize that higher price does not equal higher quality. EVERYTHING, and I do mean everything, will be built and designed to high standards. You aren't working with Chinese crap any more(not to dismiss Chinese products as all crap, there are a lot of very good Chinese products). Anyway, you get the point. And seriously, do NOT go with standard HVAC. It is not worth it on every level you can imagine.
am I correct in assuming that you are basing these figures off of uncooled batwing type (or similar) reflectors mr. blah?

No, it doesn't matter what kind of reflector you use. A 1000W lamp puts out the same amount of heat regardless the reflector. The lamps used for growing have a 12-20% luminous efficacy. So, the rest is heat. And heat is heat no matter where it comes from or where it goes.