7ft tall...Hermi


Active Member
What do you do when your 7 foot tall Grapefruit Kush goes hermi?
cry...cut the bitch/bastard down
Sorry had to bitch and moan a little


Well-Known Member
Try to take off pollen sacs? At least you will have a shit ton of seeds. I've also been reading that the hermie seeds will be feminized?


Well-Known Member
Remove as many sacks as you can to reduce the amount of seeds and let is finish. Yes hermi seeds should all be females.


Well-Known Member
If a hermie impregnates other plants then they will be feminized but if it knocks itself up they are hermi seeds! But I would try and save it unless you have a fairly large growop going.


Active Member
Did not have the ability to save it. I am growing indoors and only let stupid thing get that big so I could experiment with it on my first grow...