A really baked question


Well-Known Member
When the deer munch our precious buds do they get baked? I guess what I'm asking is THC would affect their brains (and since they have less blood probably more baked) but do they have the mental capacity to begin with to know/enjoy the fact that they're high? Maybe even remember and seek out the precious buddah?


Well-Known Member
i was all yes, yes, yes then you got to the stoner deer part. good question. i would think so. if they liked it. i have 2 cats 1 loves to get high the other prefers the nip, wants nothing to do with the weed. they are bro and sis from the same litter hand fed from day 2. so it is a definate personality preference. so i could see a deer getting a jones on for some good green chaw.

Kingdom Sky

Active Member
I have a next-door neighbor that has an African-Grey bird (like a parrot), very intelligent, and if you blow smoke in its face it makes a bubbler noise...ha!:hump: :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Man I love African Greys. I was looking into getting one but they were way more expensive than I thought. Smart little buggers though. Now thats an animal I would believe has the brain capacity to know/enjoy a good high!