A thread to honor the memory of the abolitionist John Brown.

slavery was at an all time high when the civil war started. about a quarter of southern families had a slave or slaves. they listed it as their primary reason for seceding.

slavery was alive and well in the shithole blight we call the american south.

3/4's of the white people of the South had neither slaves nor an immediate economic interest in the maintenance of slavery or the plantation system.So by your dumbass logic the 3/4 went to war for the 1/4.
You truly are a stupid UncleFuck!!!
3/4's of the white people of the South had neither slaves nor an immediate economic interest in the maintenance of slavery or the plantation system.So by your dumbass logic the 3/4 went to war for the 1/4.
You truly are a stupid UncleFuck!!!
you pull that off of stormfront?
3/4's of the white people of the South had neither slaves nor an immediate economic interest in the maintenance of slavery or the plantation system.So by your dumbass logic the 3/4 went to war for the 1/4.
You truly are a stupid UncleFuck!!!

here are the declarations of secession by the states themselves, shit for brains.




you pull that off of stormfront?
he got it by simply assuming bucky's claim was correct.

slavery was at an all time high when the civil war started. about a quarter of southern families had a slave or slaves. they listed it as their primary reason for seceding.

slavery was alive and well in the shithole blight we call the american south.

bucky's claim is almost certainly bullshit, but for the sake of argument, yes, 3/4 of the whites in the south had NO SLAVES, yet almost every cracker in the south supported secession...

therefore, if slavery was the root cause of the War Of Northern Aggression, then ~75% of the supporters had no fish in that frying pan.

slavery was NOT the main cause of the Late Unpleasantness Between the States, it was about politics and control

the agrarian south was being politically dominated by the more populous north (thus more members in congress) and the increasing number of states adopting the north's urban industrial systems instead of traditional agrarian models (more representatives in the senate)

this led to tax and tarrif schemes that were stifling the south's economy, driving down the price of their products, and driving UP the costs of shit they had to import.
the industrialized urban north was cool with this, since their cotton was getting cheaper, and their manufactured goods were becoming more and more profitable at the expense of the agrarian south both ways.

these two irreconcilable social forms were doomed to either split, or fight.

pro/con over slavery was just an emotional issue to sway those who didnt have much interest in the main issues.
here are the declarations of secession by the states themselves, shit for brains.





So those declarations included the 3/4 that did not own or have any investment into slavery.
governments can say what they want to and do all the time.
What the people want does not matter.
The South also freaked after Lincoln was elected because he wouldn't allow slavery into the new territories, hence the secessions started. But yea it wasn't about slavery. States rights to keep slaves....
So those declarations included the 3/4 that did not own or have any investment into slavery.
governments can say what they want to and do all the time.
What the people want does not matter.
You don't understand how economics work much do you? You think that the plantation money was kept on the plantation and didn't pour out into the communities like shipping ports?
So those declarations included the 3/4 that did not own or have any investment into slavery.
governments can say what they want to and do all the time.
What the people want does not matter.

kinda hard to deny reality when it is staring you in your stupid face, isn't it kurt?

yet somehow you try.
Is this the same guy that was exposed on that dating site awhile back by you?

no, that was nietzschekeen. but mindmelted was a member of one of those groups towards the end.

i'm pretty sure mindmelted's avatar led me to find him on another website yesterday that he posted on using his actual name.
no, that was nietzschekeen. but mindmelted was a member of one of those groups towards the end.

i'm pretty sure mindmelted's avatar led me to find him on another website yesterday that he posted on using his actual name.

Oh please do elaborate of fucking stupid one.
You don't understand how economics work much do you? You think that the plantation money was kept on the plantation and didn't pour out into the communities like shipping ports?
ohh sweet Dog of Magog

"plantations" were the exception to the south's paradigm.

most southern landowners were SMALLHOLDERS WITH NO SLAVES and they produced the largest proportion of the south's exportable agricultural goods.

as a smallholder, if you grow cotton, an cotton prices drop, you go broke
if you grow peanuts and the bottom falls out of the peanut market, you go broke
if you grow tobacco and tobacco prices drop to shit, you go broke.

the north was driving down prices for agricultural goods produced in the south, while driving UP prices for manufactured goods which the south had to import from europe or the industrialized north.

the big plantation owners were not hurt by this shit nearly as hard as the smallholders with marginal land, and no cheap slave labour to harvest their crops.

the easiest way to push a farmer to grab a gun is to put him in danger of losing his land, and thats what the north did to the southern smallholders
49% of all housholds in Mississippi owned slaves in 1860. That doesn't seem like a marginal number to me. Over 33 thousand slave owners in Alabama in 1860. Georgia had 41 thousand + slave owners with over 450,000 slaves. That's a big ratio in anyones world.