A valid question regarding nutrients...

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
after you add the nutes.
sometimes growing in soil you check the ph of the run off of the water from the pot if you suspect a problem.


Active Member
after you add the nutes.
sometimes growing in soil you check the ph of the run off of the water from the pot if you suspect a problem.
Awesome! I had been checking after I added the nutes but my little brother was over last night and asked me and he recommended that I check into it (he's much smarter than me) Thanks for the quick reply!


Well-Known Member
Unbalanced ph will make it hard for your roots to take in the nutes. smoke and coke is right. Balance the water before adding nutes.


Well-Known Member
You want your ph set before giving water/nutes to the plants right? So it stands to reason that just before you pour water/nutes in pot to have ph set. I.E. always check your ph after you dump nutes or whatever in the water, and if you have a 10 gallon bucket of water/nutes check it the same, just before feeding. Temps play a role an ph flux.