About voting for ron paul


Well-Known Member
i know this isnt the best source for political info but maybe someone here knows the process or how to find out about the process

i am under the assumtion that in order for ron paul to be on the ballot each state has to go vote for who they want for each parties nomination right?

well does anyone know a website or something that will link you with information regarding how to go about participating in this sort of vote

like whatever they were doing in iowa or new hampshire

i voted for nader years ago and then lost my voting rights until about 3 months ago so i never bothered to pay attention since i couldnt vote anyway

i know how to go vote for president but i have no clue how to impact who actually gets the presidential nomination

i notice alot of people who seem to be active in the ron paul thing and would like to be pointed in the right direction

seems pointless to send money and then not go out and do whatever types of prevoting needs to be done


Well-Known Member
wow, i didn't think this ron paul thing would go anywhere. I've been following 6 months now, glad to see some action. KEEP IT UP vote for Ron Paul. If you or your friends and family don't agree with some of his ideas, remember he's only gonna be in office four-eight years. WE NEED THIS GUY. oh yeah. and if you ahven't heard, oregon is legalizing. peace out


Well-Known Member
I like Ron Paul ok enough, but I know when a candidate has no chance. Dennis Kucinich is my favorite, he has no chance. Mike Gravel, great guy, no chance. I don't write the rules nor do I like the system anymore than anyone else, but the system has taken care of narrowing down our choices already. Why don't people focus on candidates that have a shot at winning? Ron Paul is the next Ralph Nader, my only hope is that he destroys the election for the Republicans this time instead of the Demo's.


Well-Known Member
no i'm serious. how do i vote for him if he's not even on the ballot? he's dropping in the poles. i don't see the tidal wave yet. loll before the storm?
you can't. All the Ron Paul babble is hilariously pointless. Keep it up though guys, there's always a chance! (but no, there's not).


Well-Known Member
dude im a stoner and all and would love for ron paul to win but there just aint enough of us out there. now when i see somebody with a ron paul sticker on there vehicle i always look to see if they look like tokers and they always are, gotta love pot heads


Well-Known Member
i'd vote for him if i could.

obama has a fresh look. maybe some youth in the white house could help things.


Well-Known Member
Obama is by far and away the best candidate out of the one's that still have a shot. If you love Ron Paul, you might as well focus your energy on Obama, cause he's the next best thing with a chance.


Well-Known Member
Obama is by far and away the best candidate out of the one's that still have a shot. If you love Ron Paul, you might as well focus your energy on Obama, cause he's the next best thing with a chance.
he has an honest (haha) look. he always seems to be thinking. and he smiles nice. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
dude obama will never win, john edwards will though
umm, jon edwards didnt win either primary. History dictates he will not win. Just curious, why do you think he has a better shot than Obama, who won the Iowa primaries and leads the national polls?


Well-Known Member
wow man, im just looking at it overall. maybee john edwards wont win but i know mccain won one and he aint gonna be pres., im not the least bit racist or sexist but i think you know the 2 people im talkin about, in america it just cant happen. look at iraq they give women no respect, they make them wear turbans how would they treat hillary? and i like obama but theres states that do not like black people and people hat never voted would vote for him not to win. like i said im not racist or sexest im just looking at it overall.