About voting for ron paul


Well-Known Member
And please tell me what office is in charge of cannabis policy, the DEA. I doubt those "Tards" would want to change the laws and put themselves out of work.
Nothing will change overnight. The wheels of government move slowly, especially when forced to do something against it's best interest. Alcohol prohibition ended because juries stopped convicting alcohol offenses with jury nullification.


New Member
Nothing will change overnight. The wheels of government move slowly, especially when forced to do something against it's best interest. Alcohol prohibition ended because juries stopped convicting alcohol offenses with jury nullification.
The US public in general is not for legalization of any drugs, that is your jury of peers. They may be more lenient on some harsh pot laws, but in general will vote for conviction if the prosecution has even a halfassed case. Protecting their children from the evils of drugs seems to trump legalization. Mandatory sentencing has filled the prisons to overflowing and the new capitalists are building prisons as fast as they can. Do not think the drug laws are going away, we need to keep those capitalists that are building prisons profitable.


Well-Known Member
The US public in general is not for legalization of any drugs, that is your jury of peers. They may be more lenient on some harsh pot laws, but in general will vote for conviction if the prosecution has even a halfassed case. Protecting their children from the evils of drugs seems to trump legalization. Mandatory sentencing has filled the prisons to overflowing and the new capitalists are building prisons as fast as they can. Do not think the drug laws are going away, we need to keep those capitalists that are building prisons profitable.

I disagree. I think the public is coming over to our side. Maybe not as fast as we would like, but the tide is turning.
Zogby Poll Says Both Coasts Favor Letting States Legalize Marijuana


Well-Known Member
So let me get this right. We are going to contract the care and feeding of human beings to the lowest bidder? My, I sure hope I never end up in a private prison. Whats on the menue today, Bread and water again, Yeah, and tomorrow it's just water as the CEO needs to cut costs.
How can you hold a private enterprise accountable?

I offered the explaination your asked for, but you can't handle reality. Accountability is all they need. Three square meals can be offered much more cost effectivly by private food services. Food service companies feed many colleges and public schools. Now the food you would feed to the children isn't good enough for prisinors? Our local jail saved a ton of money by going to private food. The inmates were amazed that the food was actually served hot.