adding light mid to late flower


Ok so I have a small closet dwc set up with a 150 watt hps. Last grow went well with a lil over 2 oz. Well this time I grew s.a.g.e. . I knew it would be taller due to the sativa but damn. Its at 3.5 ft maybe 4 now.

I have an opportunity to buy a used sun system 2 400 watt hps unit for $150.

I started 12/12 on the 18th of august so I think im 5 weeks in. Lol too stoned to add it up. The breeder says 10-11 weeks. So 5 weeks left or so.
I know a bigger light will increase yield but should I get the sun system or should I spend the extra money on a better set up with an air cooled hood for $250 or so.

Will yield increase justify the more expensive equipment. Going from 150w hps and 2 55w cfl. To 400(or 600 if I can keep it cool). Thought about using my 150w with it.


Well-Known Member
Reputable sellers on eBay sell 600w cooltube setups that are dimmable to 50% and 75%, come with both MH and HPS bulbs, and will often throw in clamps for ~$200 (sometimes even less).

That gives you room to go up to 600w if you decide on a bigger space, or stay at 300w/450w.

That's my recommendation.



Was looking at ebay and other places online htgsupply had good prices. Just dont want to wait on shipping.

My local hydro store has sunlight supply stuff at a 10% off catalog prices but they still aren't cheap


Active Member
Never too late to improve. But with the small space I would go with the cooled hood. Htg has good prices and good customer service. Don't rush. Patience will always benefit you in your garden.


Heres a few pics of her so far. Started to lst her young but roots were a little slow so stopped but side branch is taller than the main stem now. This little 150 isnt cutting it. Luckily I can keep the bulb cool enough to keep it close. Avg room temp is mid 70s temp at top of canopy mid 80s. Starting to show a little heat stress. Canoeing leaves. Rearranging things tomorrow when I get my new light.



Active Member
Check your local craigslist. Some decent deals can be had for name brand equipment. But if you can cool it right with a good inline fan you should go for a cool tube down one side of the garden and tie and manipulate the branches open and far away enough to not get burnt. I dont think a stronger light up top will help much because of the height issues. You might be best off to get more cfls for around the lower half of your plant and save some money for a good quality 600 or 1000 cool tube or an air cooled hood and lst or top the plants to keep em low.


Well I found out about another hydroponic store in my area only open on weekends at a flea market. They sell maverick sun products. Never heard of them before but every piece has a warranty and cant beat the price. I got a 600w dimmable ballast, air cooled hood, and bulb for $200 after tax. Saved about $100. Need another piece of duct and hopefully I can get it cooled better. I just have a fan blowing on it for now also put it at 75%

But ya check out maverick sun. Good prices warranty and quality seems good. Will find out over the next month how it goes.

