Advanced Nutients


Well-Known Member
out here in canada an is cheaper then general and has less salt build up
those are my exact findings too.

I've used a few different brands and AN are the best for quality. the nutrients stay available for longer meaning much less risk of salt build ups. I'm using H&G again right now, but they don't compare to AN in my opinion.


Active Member
I like AN. It is true that They are a bit over priced but it is like the argument of a honda accord vs a sports car. Sure a sports car costs 2x as much and is not 2x the value but does that mean it is not better? Do not get me wrong seeing their ads everywhere is a bit of a turn off (They practically own rosebud) but they do make one of the only crop specific products out there and there customer support is second to none. A honda will get you where your needing to go and you will save a bit on gas...but does that mean that a honda is better? Also if there is another better nute company then why doesnt anyone step up for the million dollar challange? As far as the 100% money back garantee who would actually try to collect that? Either way i have gotten great results with AN and i think it is a good company to start off with if you are learning. When i run out i plan to try H&G because i hear good things about them.


Well-Known Member
From a DWC perspective, I'm told that Advanced Nutrients leaves much less salt residue in your system. I use Gen Hydro and have to clean my system out thoroughly after each grow, but this has never really been a big deal. But if they were the same price, I'd consider Advanced Nutrients. If nothing else, to just see if it's really that much better and alleviate the salt scrubbing of my buckets .

I also heard a rumor that the founders split up. One started Advanced Nutrients and the other started Humboldt Nutrients. With both having similar formulas. Please note, I have no proof this is the case. It's just what I heard. I'm really not sure if it's true or not. Perhaps someone on this thread knows?


Well-Known Member
From a DWC perspective, I'm told that Advanced Nutrients leaves much less salt residue in your system. I use Gen Hydro and have to clean my system out thoroughly after each grow, but this has never really been a big deal. But if they were the same price, I'd consider Advanced Nutrients. If nothing else, to just see if it's really that much better and alleviate the salt scrubbing of my buckets .
Yeah same problem here with the GH, it shows they use low quality chelating agents to keep the nutes stable. AN, i never have a problem with salt build ups.


I love AN nutes! I use AN bud blood, big bud, and sometimes bud candy depending on strain. There products work amazingly!! I also brew my owe tea which works AMAZING!!!!!! Tea with big bud is crazy! 1tbs molasses,1/2 of a "Super B-Complex vitamin" and 1/10th-1/8th scoop about 3-5gr of protein mix. I believe the B-Complex and the protein mix is the best thing to happen to my growing in the last 2 years! All the amino acids from the protein mix really starts up the plant.


Well-Known Member
AN is specially made for growing cannabis as I have read. They are gonna get my business real soon. There is a good website called D.A.N. Discount Advanced They have some decent prices and shipping is inexpensive also.


Well-Known Member
Yeah same problem here with the GH, it shows they use low quality chelating agents to keep the nutes stable. AN, i never have a problem with salt build ups.
Since you seem like such an expert on this, what chelating agents does GH use and how are they inferior to AN's chelating agents?


Well-Known Member
Yeah same problem here with the GH, it shows they use low quality chelating agents to keep the nutes stable. AN, i never have a problem with salt build ups.
Since you once again have no idea what you're talking about, I'll go ahead and post the correct info. Just so you're up-to-speed, read this article about chelating agents:

As you now know, chelating agents aid the plant in absorbing trace elements like Iron, copper, Manganese, and zinc to name a few. EDTA is most commonly used chelating agent. Higher quality grades of fertilizers also contain DTPA and fertilizers that include ethylenediaminedihydroxy-phenylaceticacid, denoted as "EDDHA" beside iron on the label are the highest quality fertilizers. Fulvic acid also acts as a natural chelating agent.

The article's summation:
As chelating agents enable absorption of a variety of nutrients vital for healthy plant growth, growers should look for nutrients that offer a range of chelating compounds. This will ensure nutrient availability over a wide range of conditions, including those above or below optimal.
Lets look at the GH nutes now, shall we?

Manganese EDTA
...and when using some of their additives, you'll also get your fulvic acid.

So to correct your post, GH uses a variety of chelating compounds including the highest quality compounds available, which happen to be the SAME ONES THAT AN USES. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:


Active Member
Since you once again have no idea what you're talking about, I'll go ahead and post the correct info. Just so you're up-to-speed, read this article about chelating agents:

As you now know, chelating agents aid the plant in absorbing trace elements like Iron, copper, Manganese, and zinc to name a few. EDTA is most commonly used chelating agent. Higher quality grades of fertilizers also contain DTPA and fertilizers that include ethylenediaminedihydroxy-phenylaceticacid, denoted as "EDDHA" beside iron on the label are the highest quality fertilizers. Fulvic acid also acts as a natural chelating agent.

The article's summation:
Lets look at the GH nutes now, shall we?

Manganese EDTA
...and when using some of their additives, you'll also get your fulvic acid.

So to correct your post, GH uses a variety of chelating compounds including the highest quality compounds available, which happen to be the SAME ONES THAT AN USES. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:

Wow dude!!
I don't think anyone meant to get anyone cranked up about this issue!? After all it is an Advanced Nutrients thread... But your information you provided is priceless!! Better than a Mastercard!! LOL



Active Member
An is the best synthetic nuterient line up that specifically is made for marijuana that is on the market today.They even market that it is formulated for MJ. GH is setup for general all around hydro growing hence there name (General).

check out this link were AN did marijuana specific plant tissue studys for npk values during veg and flowering. its pretty damn inlightning.


Well-Known Member
Since you once again have no idea what you're talking about, I'll go ahead and post the correct info. Just so you're up-to-speed, read this article about chelating agents:

As you now know, chelating agents aid the plant in absorbing trace elements like Iron, copper, Manganese, and zinc to name a few. EDTA is most commonly used chelating agent. Higher quality grades of fertilizers also contain DTPA and fertilizers that include ethylenediaminedihydroxy-phenylaceticacid, denoted as "EDDHA" beside iron on the label are the highest quality fertilizers. Fulvic acid also acts as a natural chelating agent.

The article's summation:
Lets look at the GH nutes now, shall we?

Manganese EDTA
...and when using some of their additives, you'll also get your fulvic acid.

So to correct your post, GH uses a variety of chelating compounds including the highest quality compounds available, which happen to be the SAME ONES THAT AN USES. :roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
Chelating agents also work to keep the nutrients separated in the bottle, keeps them stable. Nutrient ions clashing will cause the nutrients to get locked out. Forming salts.

No matter what GH say they're using, doesn't mean they actually are. The salt build ups in GH bottles are very clear, also the salt build ups are clear in a hydroponic reservoir. With AN there are no salt build ups...

as it is chelating agents that keep nutrients stable and available to plants for longer, it is fairly safe to assume that GH are now skimping on them... probably due to the multitude of different companies now taking their trade.

don't believe everything you read... question everything ;)


Well-Known Member
An is the best synthetic nuterient line up that specifically is made for marijuana that is on the market today.They even market that it is formulated for MJ. GH is setup for general all around hydro growing hence there name (General).

check out this link were AN did marijuana specific plant tissue studys for npk values during veg and flowering. its pretty damn inlightning.
It's good for all plants... the difference with AN is that they don't deny us as customers... GH are ashamed of us.

Yeah i read about the phosphorous myth a while ago now. It makes a lot of sense... aside from the fact that AN themselves have sold and still do sell super P boosters.


Active Member
Gotta go with homebrew on this one. If AN is such the shiznit, then why can't they create a simply a & b formula with the little micro nutrients? Why do they need to sell you all the boosters and little supplements and not roll those into their basic line. It doesn't make any sense. Also, phosphorus boosters in container gardening, please.



Well-Known Member
Gotta go with homebrew on this one. If AN is such the shiznit, then why can't they create a simply a & b formula with the little micro nutrients? Why do they need to sell you all the boosters and little supplements and not roll those into their basic line. It doesn't make any sense. Also, phosphorus boosters in container gardening, please.


You don't need all of those boosters and the like. They do do a 2 part feed.

I agree with you on the bloom boosters. You don't need them at all... and you can do an entire grow with sensi a and b without any additives at all. I prefer the 3 part feed

some supplements are good however, like microbe supplementation, B-Vitamins, even silica. These will enable the plant to grow even better and therefore take more nutrients.

I used GH for well over a year and within that time the quality dropped immensely. Heavy salt build ups not just on the root balls in DWC res' but actually forming at the bottom of the bottles too on a regular basis. It is chelating agents that keep the nutes separated, so if salts are forming quickly that tells me the chelating agents are being skimped on.


Active Member
You don't need all of those boosters and the like. They do do a 2 part feed.

I agree with you on the bloom boosters. You don't need them at all... and you can do an entire grow with sensi a and b without any additives at all. I prefer the 3 part feed

some supplements are good however, like microbe supplementation, B-Vitamins, even silica. These will enable the plant to grow even better and therefore take more nutrients.

I used GH for well over a year and within that time the quality dropped immensely. Heavy salt build ups not just on the root balls in DWC res' but actually forming at the bottom of the bottles too on a regular basis. It is chelating agents that keep the nutes separated, so if salts are forming quickly that tells me the chelating agents are being skimped on.
Have you tried non-cannabis specific products?

I'm loving dyna gro.



Well-Known Member
Rydub - You do realize that your growersundergroud link is owned or associated with AN don't you? That's probably not the best place to get educated on products, btw.

Skunk - I'm not necessarily saying one company is better than the next. Compare the labels and you'll find that the AN 3-part series and the GH floara series are almost identical in their makeup and use the same chelates for the same trace elements. To say that GH could be lying about what is in their product especially holds true for AN; a company known for making outrageous claims.

Now I'll put it out there as a fun challenge for you AN guys to take on. I'm currently doing my first grow journal ever using using what I've always used; the GH expert line. Lets see you guys put your nutes where your mouth is. Outgrow me. Produce more of a higher quality product. Lets see if the money you're spending is making your product any better than a plain ole 'General' nutrient. My grow has already started, come get some ladies ;).


Well-Known Member
Rydub - You do realize that your growersundergroud link is owned or associated with AN don't you? That's probably not the best place to get educated on products, btw.

Skunk - I'm not necessarily saying one company is better than the next. Compare the labels and you'll find that the AN 3-part series and the GH floara series are almost identical in their makeup and use the same chelates for the same trace elements. To say that GH could be lying about what is in their product especially holds true for AN; a company known for making outrageous claims.

Now I'll put it out there as a fun challenge for you AN guys to take on. I'm currently doing my first grow journal ever using using what I've always used; the GH expert line. Lets see you guys put your nutes where your mouth is. Outgrow me. Produce more of a higher quality product. Lets see if the money you're spending is making your product any better than a plain ole 'General' nutrient. My grow has already started, come get some ladies ;).
I know AN copied GH, they use the same supplier for everything... I have used both GH and AN, they're the two lines I've used the most. At first when using GH I had no problems, but the salt build ups i've seen are real. I must add that they didn't hurt the plants at all, but if nutrients are easy to break their bonding and form salts then this will add to the total salinity value of the res. so the EC will read a higher nutrient content than is actually available to the plants, leading a grower to make the wrong conclusions should a problem occur. In soil those salts would not be so visible.

At the moment i'm actually using GH Grow, AN Micro and AN Bloom. I've also still got virtually full bottles of the H&G coco's A and B.

Nutrients are also just one of the factors in a good grow... we only need to look on this forum to see great grows using AN and great grows using a multitude of different nutrient ranges. I don't get anything for saying AN are the best, they're just my personal preference for the reasons i've stated.


Active Member
Rydub - You do realize that your growersundergroud link is owned or associated with AN don't you? That's probably not the best place to get educated on products, btw.

Skunk - I'm not necessarily saying one company is better than the next. Compare the labels and you'll find that the AN 3-part series and the GH floara series are almost identical in their makeup and use the same chelates for the same trace elements. To say that GH could be lying about what is in their product especially holds true for AN; a company known for making outrageous claims.

Now I'll put it out there as a fun challenge for you AN guys to take on. I'm currently doing my first grow journal ever using using what I've always used; the GH expert line. Lets see you guys put your nutes where your mouth is. Outgrow me. Produce more of a higher quality product. Lets see if the money you're spending is making your product any better than a plain ole 'General' nutrient. My grow has already started, come get some ladies ;).
I'm going to try to track down the report uncle ben posted a couple of months ago. It was a chemical analysis of about 9 major fertilizers conducted by the university of washington. The basic rundown was advanced nutrients (in the batch tested) did not hit the minimum amounts of nutrients which they advertise on the label. Also, some of the micronutrients were much higher than they should of been. Just give me a second.



Well-Known Member
I'm going to try to track down the report uncle ben posted a couple of months ago. It was a chemical analysis of about 9 major fertilizers conducted by the university of washington. The basic rundown was advanced nutrients (in the batch tested) did not hit the minimum amounts of nutrients which they advertise on the label. Also, some of the micronutrients were much higher than they should of been. Just give me a second.

:shock: That may be why AN users aren't seeing salt build-ups. Because we all know when a plant uses a nutrient from a chemical "salt" molecule supplied in a nutrient solution, it is actually using only one part of that molecule. The remaining part of that molecule generally stays in the hydroponic system and eventually can reach damaging levels of concentrations when not flushed or changed out. This process, which often happens in traditional agriculture where heavy fertilizer concentrations are applied to soil crops, is referred to as salt-build up.