Aerogarden Bagseed Grow #2


Well-Known Member
just attempted to fim the tallest one, not sure if i topped or fimmed, but it's done nonetheless, which is taking off again even after i lowered it into the res. it's my birthday, so i'm goin on a quest for some funk. on a shitty note, the dude at work that grew the white widow got picked up in the kitchen last night by the drug task force. pretty shady. he's just lucky his piece and bag were in my car and not his pocket.


Well-Known Member
dunno. his neighbor called him and said a bunch of cops were at his 'rents, and he started freakin out tryin to figure out what it was about. he thought it was his older bro in trouble, and then they showd up at the restaraunt and picked him up. i asked if i should call his parents and the cop said they were being arrested too. that's all i got. he wasn't growing at that house tho, so nobody can figure out what it was about.


Well-Known Member
word. i fimmed the bigger one earlier, some friends came over to smoke some bowls, and we checked the plants, and the one i fimmed/topped had exploded in growth. it grew almost an inch in a couple hours! so i took another one that had 3 nodes, and fimmed/topped this one, and i'm going to check on it in a couple hours and see if it jumps in growth also. i'll put pics up later


Well-Known Member
alright. checked them this morning and the big one is taking off, while the 2nd biggest is catching up. one of my smaller ones is droopy and yellow. any ideas? i thought the yellow/brown leaves was normal, but it seems to be spreading. i'm going out of town until sunday so i'm a little nervous about leaving them in this condition. i'd hate to come back to dead plants. anyone have any idea what's going on or what i should do?



Well-Known Member
yeah, i gave them 5 ml of floragro, floramicro, and florabloom. the bottle said 15ml of each, but i started weak. i was going to up the concentration next week, but i dunno now. i'm just going to let 'em go until sunday and see what happens. they're resilient little weeds. what do you suggest i do about the tall ones? i already topped those 2, hoping that the little ones would catch up, but they havent. i'm going to have to raise the light before i leave or else the tall ones are going to be in it and burned when i get back into town.


Well-Known Member
that's what i figured. i started the nutes last friday, and have'nt touched it since. the only thing ive done is sink them farther into their sponges. maybe that's the one i got the roots on. oh well, i'll update when i get back. have a good thanksgiving everyone. take it easy


Well-Known Member
Hard to tell whats is causing that one plant to droop and discolor. New pics? Some detailed pics on the sickling would greatly help