Maybe I don't know better but Sativa's just love my brain, I need mood elevators over body pain types but as I mature in the study of strains I'll have a favorite for its over all effect on me on all levels.indicas are my favorite.
hell yea some nice indica zoner and some xbox live baby...i b blazin up watchin my girl get loose on them fools on call of duty waw..i really wanna grow some sativa tho so i can function durin the day..any suggestions purp i know u a indica lover like melooks good Purp, I like sativas in the day at work and a nice indica to chill with the ps3. +Rep
I copied mine from the list in "myrollitup" and pasted it to my sig...unrelated to the journal , how do i make my link for my journal like your's instead of a website name. appericate it if ya could help me out
keep on truckin
heres sum PACKED pics i took last night...
They're all Xanax strains for me! LOL (Albeit some better than others.) Don't know about you, but pot helps me way more than benzodiazempams do. I still have more than half a bottle of Klonopin, but only take it once or twice a week now (I used to take 4-6mg daily), when the anxiety or mania gets a bit out of hand and the MJ needs a "booster" so to speak.i wish there was a xanax strain!