AG first Grow ever Using tips from this site


Active Member
i agree, they were some healthy dudes. If you look at the first pic closely its not a total loss by any means.........See the Tomato and pepper plants.....I ll eat good in a few months anyways.


Active Member
yeah man definitely don't give up! My last grow I ended with 3 males and a female that died from stem rot. This time around is going much better. Just keep practicing.


Active Member
Gotta wait till its cool in my wife is far hotter than any plant i ever her puss smells better :) I am assisting a friend now who has my AG. Using the Carbon cycled fish water ( pouring the water in a hospital tank (sanitary) with carbon power filter. Working amazing, the water is good from the get go and plants are eating very fast! Besides fishkeeping is a good cover for all the supplies you'll need......and they will never piss and shit on your carpet! Sry bout the fish talk...thats the other blog i am on all the time. They have to hear about weed alot...hahahaha.....mostly homos at fat bitches who no smoke.