Ak47 cross bubble gum brings Wembley, And A Lovely indicator Dom Unknown 1200w Grow-Bloom Phase


Well-Known Member
Will be in With Girls later on And Can Update Pics.

I can't smell em too tough much at all as iv got ONA BlOck doing the job of ridding the odour around sitting about half a metre from exhaust. Whilst I'm in the room I hardly take note and as its still early not too surprised. I'm sure I'll need another 2/4 blocks around the place by week 7


Well-Known Member
Okay so went in and took pics just now for update purposes. I fed earlier, full feed regime, additives plus base feed. Girls are always looking happy I don't think there's been any negative behaviour or signs throughout from germination to now so has to be one of best grows so far, yield and quality should be something decent. Hoping for at least 3oz per girl likely to pull of 3x more that but I want give bare minimum so that excitement of more is just that absolutely exciting.


Well-Known Member
Week 3 Day 27 Flower

On day 26 I added 3rd 600w Hps on a separate timer, coming in With the other 2 but going off 3 hours before the 2 on its side.
Now its only been the night of day 26 and tonight so I can't say too my h as I may be just excited but my hairs have grown in length n fattened, the bulbs are no more bulbs but baby buds growing, plenty hairs and looking promising, some ft long colas already In form. Iv given them feed today after allowing them to dry since last feed and yesterdays New light would have helped. I'm sure they are going to adjust and become hungrier girls feeding more n pumping for nutes n breaking down of em to perform a great bud growth and oil production. I can most hear them saying we r gonna explode lol. I'll try get pics at off time or just before on time in the coming days so a better idea of how they are developing.


Well-Known Member
Week 4 Day 29 Flower

Lots of bud growth kinder, shed getting big n still forming into a true bud so very high hopes in terms of yield. Resin on leaves, very green colour hue so guessing these 2 babiess are gonna be really green. Unknown plant is dense in appearance, you wouldn't put her down to produce fluffly buds she's lookin like she could become fat chunky rocks all over. Very nice scent from tent, sweet smell and pine undertones (mainly from Wembley) quite woody a bit (unknown plant)


Well-Known Member
Week 4 Day 31 Flower

Girls are looking a dream and as iv been saying, very promising indeed.

Thick thick dense looking bud structure coming from the Wembley in 4 weeks at chop she's gonna be a headbang. She smells like a bag of candy sweets with a hint of zest.

The Unknown plant likewise is doing great looking small and dense it's has taken shape and is beginning to feel out as compared to the Wembley she's still taking shape and pushing out hairs but not as compact as Wembley she has bigger spacing between internodes underneath top site buds.


Well-Known Member
Week 4 Day 33 Flower
Pics of girls at lights out.

Some growth from last pic so not slowed on anyway



Well-Known Member
Day 38 measurements.

Main branches Bud length: 9-16inch
Supporting branches bud length: 5-8inch
Main branches bud circumference: 4-7inch
Supporting branches bud circumference: 3-7inch

Unknown Plant
Main branches bud length: 6-9inch
Supporting branches bud length 3-5inch
Main branches bud circumference: 5-8inch
Supporting branches bud width: 4-7inch

So far no problems as expected but anything could be possible. I'm very pleased with their development and should expect extremely dense fat chunky, skunky pine and diesel smell but so mild not pungent unless touched and wow quite amazing iv grown to absolutely love this unknown plant, only wish I knew what it was. The Wembley predictably will have quite long really dense sweet smelling buds with hint of bubble gum maybe more so later as its there now as has been from day 35.

So next post will be pics of day 38


Well-Known Member
Sorry I Hit A Spliff On Some Grapefruit And Woke Up 2Hours After on Time So Will Get Vid N Pics Tomorrow Instead


Well-Known Member
Seems I'm not able to post vid atm need to find out how, may have to put on YouTube and link here, quality is high enough I'd say though so if and when I do get one up it shouldn't disappoint.


Well-Known Member
Week 6 Day 44 Flower-Wembley

She is now a true bud and seems to be rapidly packing on the weight, she's filling nicely and as you can see, still got a long way to go. I didn't comment on the unknown plant as iv mentioned she's already bud and underway but the Wembley is catching up not that the unknown plant has slowed down either so both are very pleasing, making excellent progress.

