Ak47 cross bubble gum brings Wembley, And A Lovely indicator Dom Unknown 1200w Grow-Bloom Phase


Well-Known Member
Day 48 Week 6 Flower

I have given her some plain water in last couple feed time as her top leaves curled up (reverse claw) from either something going wrong with feed but there's no abnormal discoloration going on. She's growing fine, slowed a little but seems to have knocked it up a gear again since today. I'm allowing soil to dry pretty well so when she is light to lift almost then re-administer bloom nute with overdrive which I'll stop using week 8 when I begin my 10 day flush. I raised the lights up as that could have been reason for leaf claw, low humidity maybe too. Iv raised all variables and taking precautions where I can. The plants look happy again, so the good work continues.



Well-Known Member
Hey guys another update of the ladies, they've swelled up pretty well and I'm expecting I lovely quality smoke and good yield from them.

The Unknown Plant Will be ready next week for sure for cut Down as she's got milky trichs and some Browning. There's premature Browning from me touch always but iv stopped that, I was removing dead leaves that had mould spores the girl is fine though, there is no mould, air flow is better too since I found the spores, I keep oscillating fan on day n night.

The Wembley unless she does a speedy finish this last week I'll be taking her down 3days after the unknown plant so she can be more browned out as she's got plenty wife trichs not yet milky but the bottom buds are ready or on par about 40%browned. The tops are 15-20%


Well-Known Member
Day 61 lights out Pic Week 8 Flower

Girls have fattened to final size and are looking great. Mind the unknown plant has got a very faint smell but nothing major oozing from that it. She has thc all over but isn't all that oily to the feel at all. I like my girls smelling good ya know, noticeable smell at least but not her.

The Wembley on the other hand is sticky to the touch, can feel the sticky resin much more so and she smells amazing. She makes the garden a breath of delight.

I had Mould Issues on The Unknown Plant too. So glad after tonight it's harvest day for her. She is dense and thick though. I took a pic of coke bottle with a main head, it's bigger than the coke bottle as you see in a pic my hand can grasp the coke bottle and almost have fingers touching, about 2cm short. The bud now well you can see.

The Wembley isn't as thick rather it is about 2-5cm on average smaller in circumference to the coke bottle however buds are 9-15inch long as compared to half the amount for the unknown plant.


Well-Known Member
The lights where off for 18hrs so they are going to get 6hrs on Time only this night then off a further 18hrs n chop. The lights will be put on again at 8hrs and 16 off until Friday starting next on Time in 20hrs time.


Well-Known Member
Wembley harvest day. Trimming at the moment. She smells great, sweet and mellow with a kick. She is dense she densed up a lot that UN last 3 days I mean parts of her are lovely dense rock buds. She felt at least half-double the weight of the unknown girl but will post yield and smoke report in about 10days



Well-Known Member
Iv dried out the unknown plant and put her in to cure now. Had a sample of how she is and atm without going into much detail, I am pleased with the smoke and taste will be more descriptive when cured for a good week at least before giving review.

Dried Weight: 313g/11oz

I think she surpasses the wembley in yield as the Wembley seem to have shrunk much more so than the unknown plant during drying. Imbguessing she will give half her yield which would be disappointing with the promise she carried. We shall see when yhatvtime comes. Overall I am pleased with results. Next grow will produce more as ill be more dialled in and not have cold temperatures to deal with under 15c I'm talking about during lights off n drying got as low as 8c


Well-Known Member
Iv put the Wembley Now In To Cure. She smells potenty sweet very hard to explain as she's got such a unique smell. Cured smell, look and taste is going to be great I can tell.

Dried Weight: 300g/10oz and 20g

So surprisingly the Wembley even though she loss a Ron of mass as she dried. She has kept some weight on her, she seems to be a winner as was the unknown plant.

Total weight 613g rounded up to 22oz. Next post will be report on smoke.


Well-Known Member
Finished Product In Curing. Need more jars as few are in another location so had to use containers.

Some pics of both girls together as they dried. Ran out of electric that day and couldn't find key so was forced to wait 20hrs till I could get replacement, hence why they are in open room drying in pics. Made sure they got no direct light, there was light but dull and cold temps decent humidity, dried pretty slow considering I wet trimmed.

