All My Pictures!!!


Well-Known Member
bong, Y and the 2 vaporizers, prolly over 1k
that will quickly get Much more expensive if i can ever find a place to buy either a sovereignty glass peyote pillar or a pyrology glass double shower head


Active Member
wow man this guy really has a great attitude huh. ill bet he is a fatass with no girlfriend and has no life outside of this thread and his grow room. what a way to live. starved for acceptance in society so he takes it out on people that cant touch him in reality. sick sick man he is. sick sick man. you need some love in your life buddy. ill be your friend. lets meet up somewhere and hang out...


Active Member
much suck to blow all your money on glass bongs so that you can impress someone on a thread. just cuz you buy a 1k dollar bong dosent mean your rich. i know people that carry your life savings in their wallet on any given day bro i can GUARANTEE that.
awww lil baby all upset? must suck to be a broke ass bitch.