Almost Ready?


Active Member
I'd say not yet. The hairs are still pretty white, at least from the pics.When 60-70 % of the hairs turn amber in color, then its ready. Depending on what type of high you are looking for also determines when you want to harvest too. But looking great man, should keep you stoned for a few!


Well-Known Member
No way, judging by the third picture I'd say 3 weeks longer. How about a pic on entire plant??


Active Member
No way, judging by the third picture I'd say 3 weeks longer. How about a pic on entire plant??
When it is done, those buds should be huge! But, agree with 303. Need pics of entire plant too.


Active Member
Normally the fan leaves will start dying? I was thinking about trying some black strap molasses, do you think it's too late for it?


Active Member
Hell no, man. I add it about 2 weeks before mine. But thats outdoors. But I am gonna do it with my indoor one to see if there is a difference. But I have talked to alot of people about using it. Some swear by it, others say it didnt effect anything. So I guess its personal preference. I noticed it with the outdoor. Start my 2 week flush of nutes, but add the molasses to the flush. I think it does fatten em up and add resin IMO.


Active Member
I don't think I'll be adding anymore nutes since I'm almost in the 7th week. If I just watered with molasses for the duration would it be same as flushing? Or should I DO A COMPLETE FLUSH AND START ADDING THE MOLASSES?

Opps, sorry about the caps. Any opinions?


Active Member
My molasses with water, is my flush. What you are flushing is the salts, but adding the sweetness of molasses. Plants, just like us, convert sugar into energy which spikes thier growth, supposedly, the last 2 weeks.