Am I a drunk


New Member
Am I a drunk? I have been drinking 4 cans a night of fosters for 4 years now. The other night I didn't have any and freaked out. I can't figure out whether it was because it's kinda like a change in plans or am I a drunk?:wall::-(:dunce:bongsmilie:eyesmoke:


Active Member
Everyone handles alcohol differently. However, I'd say for most people with only 4 cans a night, it would be more of a psychological issue than physical addiction.

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
You should take into consideration a person's body type and size before making that kind of judgement. Four years is a long ass time too. It could be a mixture of the two, who knows.


Well-Known Member
Well you are not a casual drinker... You probably don't get drunk from for a few beers...

Sounds like a mental addiction, a strong one at that.


Do you drink those beers alone frequently? What was the extent of you freaking out? alcohol is a terrible drug


New Member
I started freaking out by getting mad/sad and looking for everything in the house for booze and was seriously think about drinking rubbing alchol and the next day i got 8 cans to make up for the 4 i missed


New Member
Yep, ur a drunk. :lol:

You are out of balance. Forget the booze... figure out why you drink. It's not for the reason you think it is. Dig deep and figure it out. Once you realize what that is, you'll be able to stop, since you'll realize it can't be fixed with sedation. You're trying to bury something....

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Foster's! Yuck!

The 4 a night, every night only had me scratchin' my chin, but you're drinkin' piss water!

If you're goin' to "self medicate" at least drink some some fine beer, and realize 1. You really like drinkin' nightly 2. why you drink nightly.

Everyone has at least 1 vice. Control it before it controls you.

ps - ...and please drink better beer.


Well-Known Member
haha 4 beers a night isnt anything but if you seriously got to the point of considering drinking rubbing alcohol you need some help bruh, thats kinda pathetic :spew:



New Member
If you drink booze every day, you have problems, either way it is a poison and should be treated as such, with respect.

Sicc, maybe he's drinking the 22oz'ers. like 7 beers.

out. :blsmoke: