Am I the only one that doesn't want weed to become legal?

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I can't stand the thought of weed becoming completely legal in the US. Hear me out, this is from a grower's standpoint. If I didn't make part of my income from growing, I probably would love the thought.

The price of weed will drop so low, it won't even be worth growing to sell. You won't be able to compete with companies that grow cannabis to package and sell joints by the billions. Look at Tobacco or any other cash crop today. You wouldn't hold a candle growing your own Tobacco and selling it to people today. Why would someone want to buy tobacco from you, when they can just go down to the corner store and buy a pack of cigarettes for a few bucks.
Anyway, I'm curious to see if someone else feels the same way. Or perhaps, enlightens me with some good points.


I also (it`s stated in this site) don`t want to see pot legalized the way the Gov. wants it done "IF" the people want it legal. I want it as legal to have and use as salt water is or tomato`s are.

I also see an anger from those who $Grow. There`s a reason they want you to grow it/posses it by the plant and not by the Acre.

The Gov. will be doing the exact same thing as the Mexican Cartels. The killing/crimes are committed because it is illegal to cross boarders with it for them and for us it`s illegal to have. It will still be illegal to cross boarders with it after it gets "legal". The killings/crimes are taken out of it for our Gov. but not the Mexican Cartel. They wouldn`t kill/crime if it were legal for us and legal to transport. This is not as free as tomatoes and seawater, that`s....."you fools".

On the private $growers end, it`s basically the same deal and they`d be doing it to you.

If someone sells weed for $ .... the big Farma companies will never be able to capitalize or monopolize over private $growers. They couldn`t establish sale outside the big cities, people want delivered,, and quality sensi, not cleaned girls with restrictions. Who wants to drive or walk ten miles up and back for overpriced restricted "meds" when they can rely. on an established neighbor that you can trust.

So pasificrange#`s,

You don`t wanna see it....Gov. controlled legal. It`s a Raw deal.

Crazy as I sound .....I been thinking about it a long time and may not make sense to all reading.
I don't get it. Most reject government taxation. Why? Does taxation implies a price markup in the states?
My guess is that taxation is completely different down here. Or is it about accumulating wealth? I don't understand that either.
I don't get it. Most reject government taxation. Why? Does taxation implies a price markup in the states?
My guess is that taxation is completely different down here. Or is it about accumulating wealth? I don't understand that either.

on a 8 dollar pack of smokes 3 or four is tax money.(I'm guessing).If the gov sees you making a buck,you owe them about 75 cents,lol
on a 8 dollar pack of smokes 3 or four is tax money.(I'm guessing).If the gov sees you making a buck,you owe them about 75 cents,lol
Down here, you owe them around 30 cents of a 2.50$ pack of smokes, most goes back to marlboro or whichever brand. If private companies see you making bucks, they're under the impression that's their buck. If you earn less than a specific amount, you don't even qualify to get taxed, however, buying or consuming any legal or reported item, has a 12% tax. Up until some time ago, if you kept receipts and in-voices, and you add up to an specific amount of money spent in consumables or services, you got a tax break.
I guess all the people in prison for minor "weed" crimes should just stay there so you can supplement your income. I'll bet you'd change your tune if you got busted and were looking at doing a couple years in the clink. Legalization probably wouldn't be such a bad thing then, would it?
People will grow it in their own backyards, spend money on real shit - like college.
yeah how do you think some people afford college. its expensive and if you don't have what you need in that very day. chances are college is not going to go to well for the person.
For the record my previous reply doesn't mean that I don't want weed legalized. I absolutely would want to keep doing my couple plants in the basement for me and the fam with no fear of reprisal. I just fear if it does go legal my basement would become illegal.
Most of use will be dead or on our way out before it becomes legal, if it ever does. I feel like it would have to go through every last state becoming at least medially legal before that happens and there are some stubborn states.

But i still think it should be legal and want it to become legal. GOVT cant stop me from growin, illegal or legal.
think about it this way, theres some dude out there who has nothing but dank seeds he got from some dude. its the only thing he has to give his family a better life. he plants these seeds in an illegal market because the priceishigher than that of corn by the same weight.
your not the only one. if its legal then all 50 states. major farmers will grow it and the price of cannabis will be 100 dollars a pound. will be more profit in growing corn and potatoes. there a lot less work. all you haters of the poste that don't want it legal. if it does you will lose money on your electric bills . but you prob only smoke your own any ways so It don't impact you . like it does some other people.
your not the only one. if its legal then all 50 states. major farmers will grow it and the price of cannabis will be 100 dollars a pound. will be more profit in growing corn and potatoes. there a lot less work. all you haters of the poste that don't want it legal. if it does you will lose money on your electric bills . but you prob only smoke your own any ways so It don't impact you . like it does some other people.

I can see it now, major farmers all pollinating each others crops. Eventually it would all become one strain...and seeded.

Cuz' I sure as hell don't see farmers selecting phenos and cloning...which means quality would all turn into the equivalent of Mexican brick. Speaking of brick, take a peek at this new episode:

This is probably an unpopular opinion, but I can't stand the thought of weed becoming completely legal in the US. Hear me out, this is from a grower's standpoint. If I didn't make part of my income from growing, I probably would love the thought.

The price of weed will drop so low, it won't even be worth growing to sell. You won't be able to compete with companies that grow cannabis to package and sell joints by the billions. Look at Tobacco or any other cash crop today. You wouldn't hold a candle growing your own Tobacco and selling it to people today. Why would someone want to buy tobacco from you, when they can just go down to the corner store and buy a pack of cigarettes for a few bucks.
Anyway, I'm curious to see if someone else feels the same way. Or perhaps, enlightens me with some good points.


I didn't read the thread except for your post, so excuse me if this has been covered.

Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You
Fuck You

X 1,0000

eat a dick too
how many?



  • derp300_derp_collection-s574x604-134537-580.jpg
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Why do you think it will be so cheap? Tobacco may kill ya but it won't get you high and its not cheap any more. Ever check into just Fed tax on alcohol? It's not really that cheap either. Though some states have legalized it, weed is still a Fed class I drug; and until its both declassified and made federally legal for all purposes (med and rec), you'll never be able go to the corner store and get it much less for cheap. Plus, the Feds might change its mind about prosecution unless it is indeed legal. Then, there will be the taxes on it. As well, big corps aren't that quickly responsive and the weed market likes choice, lots of choices.

There will always be a place for the private grower

i'm thinking boutique delivery when the time comes..plenty of business for all:wink:
Find another source of income then. It's selfish to want it to remain illegal just so you can continue to make more money from it. Think about the greater good.
Be careful what you wish for too OP. I think there was another guy on these here forums that wanted to keep it illegal to continue making money. Pretty sure he's in the clink now.
I guess all the people in prison for minor "weed" crimes should just stay there so you can supplement your income. I'll bet you'd change your tune if you got busted and were looking at doing a couple years in the clink. Legalization probably wouldn't be such a bad thing then, would it?

Not gonna happen.this is why it gets voted down in my state,b/c the writers of the law are trying to get people out of jail.