Amaximus' Half-Assed CFL/LED First Grow™


Well-Known Member
Fast update on my new Half-Assed CFL/Broken LED grow...

Auto Pakistan Ryder #1 - Day 7
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Auto Pakistan Ryder #2 - Day 6
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I feel as if they are small for a week old but it's been so long since I've grown I'm questioning whether or not I'm just being impatient. Being my first coco run I started nutes from day 1 @ 1/4 strength. I'll go to 1/2 next week and then full strength until I switch over to flowering nutes. Also giving them Cal-Mag @ 5/ml per gallon of nutes...

*** Can anyone tell me why I can't see anyone's avatar? Where an avatar should be it just says something like "Amaximus's Avatar" or "The Dawg's Avatar" but no actual picture. I can see them just fine on my phone though...


Well-Known Member
Yeah, You read it correctly. Shower enclosure update... lol.

I meant to take photos of the the girls but I forgot to. They're 10 days old. If you've seen one seedling you've seen them all. So instead here is a fast time lapse of the work my wife and I did today. Only a few more months and I may actually have a finished house. hah.

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Well-Known Member
Awesome! Keep climbing back Amax...the view is amazing up here. :)

And by you and your mean just your wife right? :-P


Well-Known Member
It's been 2 weeks since I last popped in? Damn, Time flies...

Ok, So it's been 3 weeks since the pak ryder autos sprouted... They are tiny! Like what a proper seedling should look like after maybe 5 days. We're talking one inch, at best.

Obviously something is wrong. Either my nutes were compromised during the flood, Or they froze during the two months with no electricity or the light is to blame... the BS180 only has half the panel working. I thought I'd be able to push through with half the panel working with some extra CFL's but that just isn't so. Both girls are leaning towards the cfl lighting leading me to believe the led panel is either not doing shit or isn't providing the proper wattage like I thought it would. I really wish I still had my killowatt meter...

Anyway, I removed the bs180 and added more cfl's. Temps are awesome at 70-77 and I just popped a himalayan blue diesel & pineapple express. I'll grow the pak ryder's up until the I need to space. But I seriously doubt it will matter. They are severely stunted.

Also changed back to my chemical nutes. We'll see if the change in lighting and nutes gets shit rolling.

PS - Bathroom is complete. Drywall is 100% complete in the entire house and I'm almost done with the ceilings. Currently waiting on the taper to come finish the walls and then It's time to paint, do moldings and have the various flooring installed... Some carpets for the bedrooms and hardwood for the rest of the house. Then I can finally have the kitchen cabinets installed... Or rather I'll install them myself...

Shit, I also have to rough-in the plumbing in the new laundry room for the washing machine and dryer...

Till next time everyone... (I've got some extra time this morning. Gonna try and check out all the grow threads from all my buddies. I keep meaning to but just haven't had the time. I apologize.)


Well-Known Member
Oh, Word has it that one of our respected community is trying to hook me up with a new led panel. You can always count on the awesome led guys to come through when needed. More on that later. All I can say right now is that I better do well on my first grow with the panel because I've got big shoes to fill from the previous owner. I'm not going hydro though! Muhaha.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your getting closer to "normalcy " friend:) their at one inch after three weeks, yeah I was gonna say cold temps but your hovering in the mid seventies(perfect). My guess is also light deprivation being the culprit and would add more cfl's. I would also dump your nutes if salt water got to them no question.

good luck Amax


Well-Known Member
Damn, Nice to see you are surviving and back at it. Well not so much back at the growing but getting your life back in order for sure.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like your getting closer to "normalcy " friend:) their at one inch after three weeks, yeah I was gonna say cold temps but your hovering in the mid seventies(perfect). My guess is also light deprivation being the culprit and would add more cfl's. I would also dump your nutes if salt water got to them no question.

good luck Amax

Those first few weeks after the flood are a bit of a blur to me. I vaguely remember just throwing out lots of stuff, demo'ing the house and storing away whatever could be saved... I thought I kept these nutes in my closet on a high shelf and weren't touched by the salt water but I might be wrong... Maybe those little micro organisms didn't make it through the two+ months of no heat in the attic... Either way they aren't working. Switched back to Jacks Classic yesterday and gave the pots a nice soaking. We'll see how they do...

Damn, Nice to see you are surviving and back at it. Well not so much back at the growing but getting your life back in order for sure.
Tx! Buddy! Glad to be back. Getting back to normal, Slowly. How have you been?


Well-Known Member
Brother Amax, I've been gettin along. Doing my little grows and just trying to keep things right. I'm playin with Hempy's (in straight perlite) and runnin the lucas formula. Stayed out of the current LED grow off as I had to much going to play along.


Well-Known Member
Again, It's been a bit since I've posted. Just too much work right now...

So, Did I mention that I planted two more seeds after the failure of the first two? Well, I did and I'm already down to one.

I'm not sure what is going on. Either it is too cold, All my nutes suck, or it's a lack of light... I suppose the seeds could be bunk as well. I'm almost positive everything I'm using wasn't touched by salt water but, well, I guess the results speak for themselves...

auto pak ryder after a month:
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Yup, It started flowering. Lol. Anyone for the first "Dixie Cup Competition"? hah.

Also have a Himalayan blue diesel going. This one is doing better than my previous two attempts but the growth still sucks. Still, after 5 days it's just as big as the pak ryder. We'll see how it goes...


That's it for now I guess. I've got to get back to taping these walls... This will be it for my grows for a little bit. I see now I need to re-buy all my supplies. Something is obviously not right... Just gives me more time to peruse the forums...

Ta-Ta Folks...


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, Just dropping in to let everyone know I'm still around... I just don't have the time to participate as much as I'd like.

In two weeks I'll be starting the wood floors and when they are done I should finally have a bit more freedom to set up the larger tent and get a real grow going without the revolving door of strangers/contractors/insurance adjusters/etc and their prying eyes... heh.

I think the last time I checked in I had been germing a bunch of seeds without much success... Well one of the nasty little buggers actually survived.. The himalayan blue diesel @ 67 days since being germed... She's quite impressive for an auto... Main cola is packed with weight from the top all the way down to the coco... About the size of a 24oz arizona iced tea can... We'll see what she actually yields in about a week...

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I've also been mainlining this Extrema x Heribei for the past few weeks... Not sure what my plans are for her yet. Either I'm gonna to toss her straight into flower when I get the big tent going or I'm going to x-plant to a 5G bucket and toss outside for the summer...

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Anyway, That's it for me. I hope everyone is doing good and enjoying the nice weather! Talk to ya's when I get a chance...


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... Another three weeks gone by in a blink of an eye...

I got caught up with working around the house and didn't harvest the blue diesel until around 10 days after my last post...

She has been chopped, hung and is currently sitting in a jar curing. I haven't taken a taste yet... Grown with 180w of CFL's (After the LED panel quit) using nothing but Jack's Classic and Cal-Mag I was hoping to pull an OZ from this harvest. Wet weight was 109g so I should come close to that estimate dried. Maybe just below an OZ. She also yielded 12g of trim. "whoopie" lol.

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Quick trim... Main cola was 63.5, wet...

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Trimmed up and ready to be dried...

And since I have no idea when I posted my last update regarding the rebuilding of my house here are a few recent shots. Just completed: The wood floors! All by ME! Fuck Empire and their ridiculous $8200 estimate. I did it for $2063!

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Things left to do:
Finish the crown molding.
Install all the base molding.
prime/paint doors, jambs and trim.
Finish some damaged ceiling areas.
Relocate some heating pipes that assholes from Rapid Repairs installed incorrectly (Anyone see the gas explosion in howard beach due to the rapid repair installation of a boiler and water heater? fucking amateurs.)
Install 2 bay windows and 12 single windows.
Install storm door, 2 screen doors and main foyer door.
***Have the roof redone. <---The ONLY thing I wont be doing myself.

And last but not least... Set up and check the big tent and get ready for a real fucking grow!

Till next time....

The Dawg

Well-Known Member
Lookin Good My Brother.My Question With All That Remoldeling Going On When Do You Have Time For Growing??


Well-Known Member
Oh, Also...

Got an Auto Mazar going... She is being grown exclusively outside. I'm curious what an auto can yield grown by the sun...

Also still have that Extrema x Heribei still vegging... For 66 days now... Mainlined for 8... Ready to be flipped to flower as soon as the big tent is up.

Also picked up 2 lengths of 1" PVC along with a bunch of 3-way elbows and cross T's with 2" x 2" chicken wire... Guess where I'm headed with this... (Dawg has influenced this decision. Now to start seriously thinking about hydro... lol.)


Well-Known Member
Lookin Good My Brother.My Question With All That Remoldeling Going On When Do You Have Time For Growing??
It's tough but I show the girls some love in the morning and check on them throughout the day as I get time. Keeping it simple, really. Neglect seems to be working for me as far as growing goes!