Angry people on roll it up read this


Well-Known Member
Damn this thread is rolling along by the time I typed my response there were 3 or 4 more posts. Damn spammers!!!!!!


Well-Known Member
hope.this sure is a funny thread. ha ha. to many people with to many ideas. alli know is that when my friends and i don't seeeye to eye on things we don't call each other names and threaten with vilonce. we just say, TO EACH THERE OWN. AND WE SMOKE OUT :mrgreen: we are all going to disagree on many things as there are may ways of growing. this is SHOW AND TELL AND TAKE IT FOR WHAT ITS WORTH. THATS IT.:blsmoke:
True true MG.. hell you should see us in the "politics" thread... but at the end of the day we all get along and respect (more or less) each other...
opinions ARE like assholes... we all have them but not everyone wants to see or hear yours...


Well-Known Member
Just have a question about this web site. Why so many negitve people here talking crap putting you down thinking they know it all. I don't get it people who smoke are usally nice people in NOR Cali we all help one another I dont see that here. Is it the age of the people or what. IT'S MAKING ME ANGRY with these negitve people here.You catchbee's with honey. Well this goes to all those negitve people on this site you know who you are you will find out through your life good things happen to good people negitive people are very sad and fustrated with there life you draw in negitive energy that will effect your life. Demons feed of that stuff and will make your life a living HELL.
Let's see how many negitve post I will get on this.:peace:
well the simple fact i whack down a bottle of jack in the mourning and finish off a 12 pk a budlight in the afternoon to calm my nerves.


Well-Known Member
You stupid bad and gay a$$ whole!
People like you give this forun bad reb! And it is them eleggting an Afrikan lesbian to be priminister of the Great Country of Amerika for the 1st time! I hope you die soon!
You cannot just add the foocking lights to the foocking seeds!:cuss:
The answer might be right but you retard don't even know why! You sick basard!
If it were 3 seeds and three lamps, it would yielt 6 pounds accordeon 4 you?
Wrong you faggot it's 9!:cuss:
You don't add lights and seeds!
You muliply them!

I can't agree with almost any of the posts here and I am intolerant of almost all the silly questions, Not anything can be googled, so that not just any question asked is stupid. My grandpa my pa and I read all the Encyclopedia Britannica. New growers are asking silly questions because them don't eggtually do preleeeminary research. Nobody needs to read before asking silly questions. I have no idea what Cracker Jax wrote and even who Cracker Jack is and it isn't funny at all when the answer is not the one they were looking for, and they keep asking until they get the one they want.

And as for reading the bottle of nutes....I know everything about advance noodrients, and never made the mistake reading the directions on FF big bang.
etc. etc etc!!!
You a$$ whole made me lose my foocking temper! :cuss: Foock your dog's greatgrandfather! I will eat your shit!

I am just kidding of course!:peace:
Wow....uh....I am speechless...I feel dirty and violated.

"Can I piss/shit on my plant"
I think it is time to rehash the crushed up birth control pill idea to feminize your plants.



Active Member
What book was that in pill number was like51 or somthing I remember I went around asking all the girls what kind of pills you have LOL thats old school:mrgreen: I think It was ed rosenthal who said that
Wow....uh....I am speechless...I feel dirty and violated.

I think it is time to rehash the crushed up birth control pill idea to feminize your plants.



Well-Known Member
Wow....uh....I am speechless...I feel dirty and violated.

I think it is time to rehash the crushed up birth control pill idea to feminize your plants.

From some of the things I've read of what people want to try on weed I'm surprised someone hasn't killed themselves or those around them...


Active Member
yeah it's not the same they were stoned. 800ppm is good I bring mine up to 1200 but never go to 1800 like they recomend. Superthrive is good stuff for 40 gal 1 tsp lush growth try it out get a LIL bottle:peace:
Out of curiosity...does the online chart differ from the bottle directions in quantity/gal? I assume so.

I also run my nutes fairly light. I am growing 3 strains right now, some bitchier than others. what is right for Headband seems too light for Red Diesel, but oh well for now, (RD is out anyhow in a week or so). So I stay fairly low (~900ppm seems ok, but I am learning), but generally feed every watering with the Botanicare...not sure if I can get away with this with the FF stuff.

I so use BMO's Super Plant Tonic, but have not used Super Thrive...I have been nervously curious about using it (germenation, seedling, clone, veg, and bloom). I was reading an FDD indoor thread the other day and he said he uses Old Age grow and bloom and superthrive. I read 42 pages of drama, not wanting to ask a stupid question, but gave up 10 pages before the end due to all the bickering. I did not want to ask a stupid question that had already been answered, and I realize that this product is used by many and the directions are given...I just wanted to know how someone who has proof of success (many do not) uses the product...but thought better of asking such an easily shot down question...



Medical Marijuana (MOD)
From some of the things I've read of what people want to try on weed I'm surprised someone hasn't killed themselves or those around them...
thats why im so glad to beable to grow my own smoke even though its only going to be for a litle while longer. shit is about to change for the worst for use all. now that the feds can't step in the STATES witch we live in will soon try take control of our medication. i hear we need an ungodly amount of signetures to over turn whats about to happen and theres just no way in hellwe will get them.


Well-Known Member
Hey asswipe. You dont know shit!!!! I have grown weed for 50+ fucking years. I KNOW IT ALLLLLL!!!!!!!

Just have a question about this web site. Why so many negitve people here talking crap putting you down thinking they know it all. I don't get it people who smoke are usally nice people in NOR Cali we all help one another I dont see that here. Is it the age of the people or what. IT'S MAKING ME ANGRY with these negitve people here.You catchbee's with honey. Well this goes to all those negitve people on this site you know who you are you will find out through your life good things happen to good people negitive people are very sad and fustrated with there life you draw in negitive energy that will effect your life. Demons feed of that stuff and will make your life a living HELL.
Let's see how many negitve post I will get on this.:peace:

.......ahhahaa. In case anyone couldnt figure it out I was being sarcastic. Your right though, I think you find a lot of anger when people "think" they know what they are talking about and want to "preach" like they are growing gods, then 20 more people show up and tell them that they are incredibly misinformed. Then that original person gets all angry and bitter, and it goes downhill from there as people start lashing out. Then it turns into a gang beating of the OP by all the new people on this site who just want to jump on the bandwagon and throw in a few kicks before then thread gets closed. :lol::lol:

There is a lot of anger, but how much fun could this site really be if a few arrogant douchebags didnt get put in their place once in a while? :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
yeah it's not the same they were stoned. 800ppm is good I bring mine up to 1200 but never go to 1800 like they recomend. Superthrive is good stuff for 40 gal 1 tsp lush growth try it out get a LIL bottle:peace:
Thanks for amt. Do you use for all stages?



Active Member
I here what your saying thanks for the input dick weed now thats funny:mrgreen:
Hey asswipe. You dont know shit!!!! I have grown weed for 50+ fucking years. I KNOW IT ALLLLLL!!!!!!!

.......ahhahaa. In case anyone couldnt figure it out I was being sarcastic. Your right though, I think you find a lot of anger when people "think" they know what they are talking about and want to "preach" like they are growing gods, then 20 more people show up and tell them that they are incredibly misinformed. Then that original person gets all angry and bitter, and it goes downhill from there as people start lashing out. Then it turns into a gang beating of the OP by all the new people on this site who just want to jump on the bandwagon and throw in a few kicks before then thread gets closed. :lol::lol:

There is a lot of anger, but how much fun could this site really be if a few arrogant douchebags didnt get put in their place once in a while? :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Yeah, people get cranky. I had two negative posts on one of my threads where I had asked a question. One accused me of lieing in my question and then I had asked a question in response to one of the posts and they told me I should leave the site.

Oh well. I'm a first time grower and needed help. I got the help from a mod, but the two cranky asses just kept going on about it. . .


New Member
Lots of reasons for it...a sense of anonymity, intolerance, age....being an asshole.:)

all you can do is live what you want to be. be the change you seek....or tear them a new one ;)

I do try to be helpful, but have to admit I've lost it here before with righteous indignation.....oh the irony hurts too much


Well-Known Member
Most people are negative towards people who ask questions that can easily be answered by searching or reading the stickies.

Nothing wrong with that imo.
yes we all started out the same but the people who actually do know their stuff learned it from reading, studying and working towards being that good. It doesn't happen overnight and it most certainly doesn't happen by reading stuff from the internet all day. Same goes for anything. I'm an active member of a music production forum and you'd be amazed some of the silly questions people ask when all they have to do is read the manual. So before you post do a quick search first and ask an educated question.
as one of the assholes, those quotes sum it up perfectly

and since a lot of you dipshits are coming here to bitch and moan about people such as myself; do your fucking homework like the rest of us did!! no one's gonna grow this shit for you! the search does work, so use it. oh and stop posting 'how do my 5 day old plants look?'

i surely don't know it all, no one does, but damn noobs show some initiative!

ya know i like to think a little social darwinism is taking place in the process, weed out some of YOU FUCKING IDIOTS!!! :cuss:

ha ha, now i can smoke :bigjoint:


Active Member
I was getting pissed off and starting to loose it thats not like me to loose it. Thats why I started this but people will never change. You know we all are not perfect and make mistakes thats why they put erasers on pencils and please dont reply what about pens they made white out and the eraser mate pen:peace:
Lots of reasons for it...a sense of anonymity, intolerance, age....being an asshole.:)

all you can do is live what you want to be. be the change you seek....or tear them a new one ;)

I do try to be helpful, but have to admit I've lost it here before with righteous indignation.....oh the irony hurts too much


Active Member
Thats well put I agree 100% alot of people are lazy they smoke too much indo and get couch locked. Thats how I learned read read read we didnt have computers when I started we had a paper back.:peace:
as one of the assholes, these quotes sum it up perfectly

and since a lot of you dipshits are coming here to bitch and moan about people such as myself; do your fucking homework like the rest of us did!! no one's gonna grow this shit for you! the search does work, so use it. oh and stop posting 'how do my 5 day old plants look?'

i surely don't know it all, no one does, but damn noobs show some initiative!

ya know i like to think a little social darwinism is taking place in the process, weed out some of you fucking idiots!!! :cuss:

ha ha, now i can smoke :bigjoint: