another cloning question


Active Member
I have made my first 2 clones of white widow and skunk1 x haze...I used a terrarium. at first I had them sitting in the bottom with the water then tried to find a way to get them out of the water...I used hydroton to raise them above the water level. used rooting powder schultz...and the water I used was about 300ppms of bloom nutes...42 watt cfl...skunk haze jumped out at 7 days and 3 widow 14 today and one has roots just not enough for my 5 gal DWC question is skunk haze I have put in tent with 1000w and seems to be doing ok still a little yellow but roots have grown thru net pot into bucket at what point do I give the clone grow nutes again?
what I did was just start it immediately in the bucket with about 300 ppms of grow and seems to be doing ok...all posts I have read only get you to your system and mention nothing of when to start feeding once you transplanted the clone...thanks kindly in advance for any information shared!