Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


Well-Known Member
Hello its jan19th 2014 I live new york city I woke up to this morning of bombs missles and even machine guns , women and children screaming. I looked out my window what I saw was my buddy Billys house is dimoleshed and his little sister is bleeding to death. It seems over night world war has started and America being where its at it seems to be the first agenda on many nations we where attacked from all oceans. Why? I sat their thinking why? What did I do? I didnt care I went out and killed every persons uniformed or speaking a language I didnt know fearing for life and woundering if I can be safe anywhere and I dout it ill just fight tell I die they cant take that from me.

Thats what all those people in iraq are going threw.....Put it on your block you family , your neighbors. Its really sad that half ower nation hates these people when we ower selves murder and assassin ower own people but yet why not start bombing ower selves? In 1995 Oklahoma City Oklahoma federal building was bombed but it was an american slightly over looked no national man hunt for everyone he knew? World trade centers get hit by planes as a taunt to get the US on Iraqi soil from certain groups. Why yet agian? Because its easier to kill a countrys people when they spend most of their tax money on homeland security its gonna be hard to attack the mother land.

So its a simple war plan that those groups used because they knew American leaders are so pridefull they will send their own kids in to get slaughtered and die for nothing and whats even wores half these kids over their know they are dieing for nothing but cant do anything but survive.


Well-Known Member
Hey ZenMaster give it up. You do NOT have a chance. You are arguing with a sloth, who cannot write a sentence. Before you can have an intellectual show-down, find an armed opponent. And furthermore, the sloth ain't playin with a full deck. She is a sicko. Show some kindness and leave her alone. Let her rant in peace. I personally hope she wakes up and seeks treatment for her psychotic paranoia.
Ah ... the head bushparrot .... hey polly back for another ass kicking? .... it's my pleasure ... you asshole can only insult me instead of disputing the facts ... how pathetic is that ... bwaaa ha ha ha .... listen to the pot calling the kettle black .... go back with the rest of your friend polly so you can continue to play with each other .... you worthless when it come to discussing politics ... best to leave well enough alone ...
here polly here's a cracker for ya .... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Hey ZenMaster give it up. You do NOT have a chance. You are arguing with a sloth, who cannot write a sentence. Before you can have an intellectual show-down, find an armed opponent. And furthermore, the sloth ain't playin with a full deck. She is a sicko. Show some kindness and leave her alone. Let her rant in peace. I personally hope she wakes up and seeks treatment for her psychotic paranoia.
I know, I know..I was hoping (just maybe!) that this preteen would post something in his own words and cut the "..."s and "bwahahahas"

Oh wells


Well-Known Member
I know, I know..I was hoping (just maybe!) that this preteen would post something in his own words and cut the "..."s and "bwahahahas"

Oh wells
Here's something in my own words ... no need to back it up with links ...'re a stupid fauxnews parrot ... that couldn't give an intelligent backed with credible sources argument if your parrot life depended on it ... making political points with no backing is something only the bushparrots do ... trained and dumbed down by fauxnews ...

oh and this is just for you .... bwaaa ha ha ha ha ha bwaaa ha ha ha .... fauxnews parrot dumbass ... :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
White House blocks inquiry into construction of $736m embassy in Iraq

The Bush administration is blocking an inquiry into the delay-plagued construction of the $736m US embassy in Baghdad, a senior Democrat in Congress said today. In addition, two US state department employees who worked on the embassy project are now under criminal investigation. Waxman urged Rice to release subpoenaed documents related to the Baghdad embassy project next week or risk being forced to do so....

...Of course, Waxman will never get his information: AG Mukasey will absolutely see to that. But a factor that should be of great interest to American taxpayers is that the contractor doing the work isn't even an American construction company. The job went to First Kuwaiti General Grading and Contracting. This Kuwaiti company essentially got the job as a "political favor" from the State Department for Kuwait's support of the invasion and occupation of Iraq.
The over-budget, inferiorly constructed complex is a a nightmare for the State Department, which is why the real numbers, and problems, will probably never see the light of congressional scrutiny. M.R. WRH

This isn't the first time I've seen reports about the bullshit construction going on in Iraq ... it's nothing more than a cover-up to pay out large sums of tax dollars without producing any results ... :spew:


New Member
The Bush administration is blocking an inquiry into the delay-plagued construction of the $736m US embassy in Baghdad, a senior Democrat in Congress said today. In addition, two US state department employees who worked on the embassy project are now under criminal investigation. Waxman urged Rice to release subpoenaed documents related to the Baghdad embassy project next week or risk being forced to do so....

GrowRebel ...

Quick! Name one thing ... just one thing that Waxman has ever contributed to the country other than head various bullshit committees.




Well-Known Member
Ah ... the head bushparrot .... hey polly back for another ass kicking? .... it's my pleasure ... you asshole can only insult me instead of disputing the facts ... how pathetic is that ... bwaaa ha ha ha .... listen to the pot calling the kettle black .... go back with the rest of your friend polly so you can continue to play with each other .... you worthless when it come to discussing politics ... best to leave well enough alone ...
here polly here's a cracker for ya .... :mrgreen:
Dear sloth, you are very sick. Find help. God bless you.


Well-Known Member
The Bush administration is blocking an inquiry into the delay-plagued construction of the $736m US embassy in Baghdad, a senior Democrat in Congress said today. In addition, two US state department employees who worked on the embassy project are now under criminal investigation. Waxman urged Rice to release subpoenaed documents related to the Baghdad embassy project next week or risk being forced to do so....

GrowRebel ...

Quick! Name one thing ... just one thing that Waxman has ever contributed to the country other than head various bullshit committees.


Moustache wax sales totals.


Well-Known Member
Quick name one thing the illegitimate bush has contribute to this country besides war crimes ... I'll take care of you assholes as soon I figure out what's happening with my computer ...


Well-Known Member
Folks ... just because I can't post links doesn't mean the crimes have stopped ... for updates on the war crimes go to crooks and liars ... check out the countdown videos ...


New Member
Dear Grow, keep trying. Your anti-Bush stuff was great. I absolutely hate the fucker and his boss Cheney, Thank God we only have 8+ months left. I'm thinking of having a huge going away party for the asshole and not inviting him.


Well-Known Member
Thanks MM I hope to get this problem straighten out where I can post links, pictures, put up smilies and continue my record of the crimes committed by the illegitimate bush regime ... countdown has several more "bushed" segments I want to post ... plus a lot of other reports documenting the war crimes being committed ... ... the geeks are out of suggestions and rollitup hasn't said much ... but if it comes to it I will still post when new segments are out ... those that are interested will have to go to the site on their own ...appropriate smilie here ...


Well-Known Member
This video on YouTube: "The most important video on the internet" may be interesting to some of you ... some may even participate in the strike on the 15th ... who knows ... I can't provide a link you with have to go to the site and put the title in the search ... 8 min. video ... check it if you can ...... also more good stuff at crooks and liars ... on the crimes of the illegitimate bush regime ... SNL does a take on the Betrayus hearings ... funny stuff ... a segment on where the outrage is over the illegitimate bush regime knowledge and approval of torture ... a war crime ... New Rules by Bill Maher ... check it too ... ...appropriate smilie here ....


Well-Known Member
The dailykos is reporting an Iraqi prisoner was beaten to death by US interrogators ... he died hanging from his wrists, gagged with 25 rib fractures see [Died hanging from wrists and gagged, with over 25 rib fractures] posted 12 April. Another war crime committed by US interrogators ... ... appropriate smilies here ...