Another Federal Crime by the (I) bush regime


Well-Known Member
Hey MedMan and ViRedd, whats your honest opinions of 911, I can't recall your positions on the subject. I know you guys are "patriots" but you also have some sense/logic, so this must be an internal conflict with you guys:mrgreen:

I utterly respect you guys for serving in the military(I'm not sure about Vi) . I bet after serving your country through war, must change your perspective in many ways. I do not hold the soldiers responsible for any unjust wars, but I believe a lot of wars are 'unjust'. I hope I'm not offending anyone, I just believe war is a means of 'big shots' profiteering, and exploiting our countries tax payers to work for the them. Just my honest humble opinion



Well-Known Member
[URL=""]Surprise, Surprise: Bush Lied[/URL]
Some may view ex-White House press secretary Scott McClellan's new book as vindication for those who took grief - accused of "derangement," "treason" and a bunch of less-printable things - for calling George W. Bush a liar over the past eight years.
But the more troubling point is that there has been little improvement in the Washington political/media structure that failed to call Bush out on his lies in a timely fashion.

With the advent of the blogs, the so-called "political/media" structure has become nearly irrelevant.
Any lie that any politician is going to feed some suppliant "propaganda media enabler" will be struck down almost immediately on the net. So those in positions of power better get used to telling the truth; the consequences will catch up with those who do not at the next election (remember: no matter how good the vote fraud may be, it can never be good enough to overwhelm a landslide). MR

This is nothing new for those of us that have been keeping up with the real news ... just more proof of the obvious ... only the bushies will deny it as liberal hipe ... :spew: ... and that lying sack of shit McCullen know damn well he was lying :fire:


New Member
Hey MedMan and ViRedd, whats your honest opinions of 911, I can't recall your positions on the subject. I know you guys are "patriots" but you also have some sense/logic, so this must be an internal conflict with you guys:mrgreen:

I utterly respect you guys for serving in the military(I'm not sure about Vi) . I bet after serving your country through war, must change your perspective in many ways. I do not hold the soldiers responsible for any unjust wars, but I believe a lot of wars are 'unjust'. I hope I'm not offending anyone, I just believe war is a means of 'big shots' profiteering, and exploiting our countries tax payers to work for the them. Just my honest humble opinion

First, let me set the record straight. ViRedd did not serve his country, by his own admission, so please don't ever equate me with him. I did. To take flack on here from Those stay at home whimpering little ladies, is not my cup of tea. If you've ever noticed, it's the ones that have avoided serving that are always most like warhawks. Seeing death and carnage seems to make one anti-war. My "opinion" on the 911 attacks goes like this: Either the Neo-cons and the Bush regime outright planned and executed the attacks in order to install a new enemy (terrorists), or had prior knowledge and did nothing. It is way too convienient for the elites to find a new enemy. One that could be used to attack basically any country accross the globe. If one wanted to find the perfect enemy, terrorists are it. They can be anything from radical Muslims to Johnny right next door, genious.


Well-Known Member
My "opinion" on the 911 attacks goes like this: Either the Neo-cons and the Bush regime outright planned and executed the attacks in order to install a new enemy (terrorists), or had prior knowledge and did nothing. It is way too convienient for the elites to find a new enemy. One that could be used to attack basically any country accross the globe. If one wanted to find the perfect enemy, terrorists are it. They can be anything from radical Muslims to Johnny right next door, genious.
I feel the same way(kinda sux)....:-|..... And it makes me really mad, thats why I'm "shouting fire" because I feel like the war on 'terror' was just a ploy to get the USA into huge debt for certain people to profiteer off of.

I don't like going around these forums and saying "911 was an inside job, or global warming is a hoax" or blah blah blah, but I feel like I need to do my part and spread my knowledge that I know, regardless of peoples opinions of me. At the very least, I hope to get someone questioning what really is going on, and maybe get them to realize that reality is not always how FOX NEWS presents it.




New Member
Yawn ....

Another typical left-wing mindset comment made by the bloviator Med.

The fact that I didn't serve in the military has no bearing on wether I can voice a valid opinion on the subject of politics, war or the military ... or 9-11. What I have found is, those who brag the most about their military service were those who pushed a typewriter or some such thing for the duration of their time in the military. Those who saw intense combat hardly ever discuss their exploits ... except to very close friends and family.

My opinion on 9-11? Twelve Middle Eastern, religious fanatic assholes commandeered airliners and ran them into buildings in the pursuit of making a point. That's about it.

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Well-Known Member

My opinion on 9-11? Twelve Middle Eastern, religious fanatic assholes commandeered airliners and ran them into buildings in the pursuit of making a point. That's about it.


"ran them into buildings in the pursuit of making a point."

Some point they made, huh VI?

Now those crazy bastards got what they knew was coming to them- war in their homelands.:?..... *shakes head in disappointment*........

Idk about you, but it seems incredible that peoples bodies were blown to a million pieces but yet one of the hijackers passports makes it down to ground zero and was a piece of evidence for the conviction of the middle eastern 'terrorists'. ~LOL~

Have you ever wondered what the chances are that a passport would make it through the fires and collapse of the WTC building and into someones hands. How could a passport (made out of paper and ink) survive those intense fires that consequently brought down the WTC... Idk, I guess I'm just looking at things from a conspiracy "theorists" perspective:-P ~LOL~



Well-Known Member
thats a little different...atta was actually in the the plane hit all the jet fuel went up in flames almost instantaneously cremating everyone on board...even the black boxes werent found...yet somehow attas passport flew out of his pocket through all the wreckage and the raging inferno and landed totally intact in readable conditon at ground zero....also who brings a passport on a domestic flight, especially if you plan on killing yourself


Well-Known Member
Millions of pieces of paper made it down to the ground, as did clothing, books, desk sets, chairs, steel, plastic ... and dead bodies.

Here's a sobering documentary:

I am sober right now:-P ~LOL~

It just seems incredible that the passport could make it out of the plane and to the ground. The 'hijackers' must have undoubtedly been in the planes during the impact of the WTC's...... So my question to you is...... DID YOU SEE THE EXPLOSION AND FIRES? DO YOU THINK THAT THE PASSPORT WOULD MAKE IT OUT OF THE AIRPLANE AND FIRES AND DOWN TO THE NYC STREETS UNSCATHED?...... Than some police men just so happen to walk by and pick up a "terrorists" passport... I wonder how many other peoples passports they found that day??? ~lol~ :lol:

You don't need to answer Vi, its ok. I don't want you to make up some bullshyt excuse that you, yourself, don't even believe.:-P





Well-Known Member
In Vi's world steel doesn't have to reach a temp. of 2750 degrees F before it will melt ... it only has to reach the temp. of an open jet fuel fire ... which is 1200 degrees F and burn for a hour ... in Vi's world a steel reinforce building design to withstand fire and planes can come tumbling straight down in less than 15 sec ... even though similar buildings that caught fire and burn far longer did not ... in Vi's world "Twelve Middle Eastern, religious fanatic assholes" can get Norad to stand down ... for not one ... but FOUR planes ... something that has never happen in our history ...
... Vi's is pretty easy to fool ... he actually believes the illegitimate bush and his regime give a damn about those people jumping out of windows ... they probably laugh their ass off every time they see it knowing that people like Vi believe their lies ...

But fear not folks at home ... GrowRebel will continue to keep records of all the crimes committed by this regime so when you run into people like Vi ... you can stomp them with facts.


Well-Known Member
thats a little different...atta was actually in the the plane hit all the jet fuel went up in flames almost instantaneously cremating everyone on board...even the black boxes werent found...yet somehow attas passport flew out of his pocket through all the wreckage and the raging inferno and landed totally intact in readable conditon at ground zero....also who brings a passport on a domestic flight, especially if you plan on killing yourself
You must be some "CRAZY conspiracy theorist" too....:wink: HAHA JK, I love you guys!

It just amazes me that they can find a passport that quick with millions of papers flying around at ground zero.

I wonder what you would have a better chance of finding: A needle in a haystack or a "terrorists" passport at ground zero NYC on the day 911(or was it a couple days later that they found it?:? I forget).. I'd take my chances searching in a haystack myself ;-)


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Well-Known Member

But fear not folks at home ... GrowRebel will continue to keep records of all the crimes committed by this regime so when you run into people like Vi ... you can stomp them with facts.
I personally like Vi, and I enjoy reading his posts. I don't believe he is being honest with us for whatever reason. I know he is smarter than that.

At least he can admit that "global warming" is a hoax... The globe goes through climate changes, but our output of co2 does not effect "global warming" more than 1%.

Keep up the good work btw growrebel...




New Member
First, let me set the record straight. ViRedd did not serve his country, by his own admission, so please don't ever equate me with him. I did. To take flack on here from Those stay at home whimpering little ladies, is not my cup of tea. If you've ever noticed, it's the ones that have avoided serving that are always most like warhawks. Seeing death and carnage seems to make one anti-war.
And with full disclosure, Med O'Mao would tell you the truth instead of misleading you/us. In spite of his John Wayne pretensions, he worked in a military supply depot. Hardly makes one a military expert, now does it?

And by the way, Med O'Mao, if the lack of military service somehow magically takes away all credibility ... why in the world are you supporting B. Hussein O'Bama for Commander in Chief?

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New Member
And with full disclosure, Med O'Mao would tell you the truth instead of misleading you/us. In spite of his John Wayne pretensions, he worked in a military supply depot. Hardly makes one a military expert, now does it?

And by the way, Med O'Mao, if the lack of military service somehow magically takes away all credibility ... why in the world are you supporting B. Hussein O'Bama for Commander in Chief?

Well, He is the best man for the job in my opinion. Do you want armaghedden to start over your selfish tax cuts? McCain=war with Iran and the beginning of the end. Is that what you want? You better get right with Jesus if you vote for McCain. Your meanness will leave you off the Jesus bus.


New Member
Well, He is the best man for the job in my opinion. Do you want armaghedden to start over your selfish tax cuts? McCain=war with Iran and the beginning of the end. Is that what you want? You better get right with Jesus if you vote for McCain. Your meanness will leave you off the Jesus bus.
Would you expand on that? I mean, please list the ways in which you see O'bama being the best person for he job. Thanks ...



New Member
Would you expand on that? I mean, please list the ways in which you see O'bama being the best person for he job. Thanks ...

Nope, your questions are a thing of the past to me. You always ask questions then pounce on the answers with the venomousness of a cobra. The facts are, we are about as diametrically opposed as two people can be and arguing with you is pointless. My most poignant reply to you is: assholio.


New Member
Well, it seems to me, if you really support the guy, you would be more than willing to post the reasons why you support him. It can't be experience. His faux pas statements make George Bush look like a genius. I mean ... 57 states? He colluded with racist preachers and ex-terrorist bombers so it can't be his patriotism. He's an excellent orator, I'll give you that ... but the guy doesn't really say anything. I was hoping you could shed some light on his appeal other than "change."



Well-Known Member
alright I'll give it a shot, he voted against the war in iraq....which anyone with a brain shouldve done...while mccain helped spread the propaganda about it. Obama says he will pull our troops out, mccain says we'll stay there for 100 years if neccesary, and mccain obvioulsy knows nothing about Iraq...hes claimed we're at presurge troop levels in iraq when we are pretty far from it, and he mixes up sunni and shia. Also obama doesnt take money from lobbyists which means hes probably less likely to be a tool. Also, as far as the economy, I think obamas plan makes more sense than mccains, from what I can tell its going to be four more years of the same thing, besides the stupid gas tax holiday I just think mccain is a war monger and Iran is an inevitability with him