AN's Sensi A&B vs AN 3 part

I have been using their 3-part system for a while now, and have been considering moving over to the two-part system. However, before I make the switch I would like some input from someone who has used their 2 part system or from someone like myself who started with the 3-part and then switched over. Is there really a difference? What are the benefits/downfall of either one?


Well-Known Member
I personally have no experience, but I have read on a few occasions that those using the Sensi A+B line find themselves with deficiencies. AN says specifically that they provide adequate amounts of all minerals needed, but consumers say different. Of course, it's not always the case - just on occasion.


Well-Known Member
the 3 part is a little more complicated, but if you know how to do it, it can be tailored well. 2 part requires separte bloom and veg formulas, so its 4 part actually for a full run with veg and bloom