Anti-Trump Protests


Well-Known Member
OK, it was fun for awhile but I think Lou is plotting to kill me so it's time for me to say goodbye. All this modophobia stinks. I tried having a good time with you guys but you want to tell lies on me and get me banned for no reason other than I didn't vote for hillary. That's politics folks; grow up. Enjoy it without me. Potpimp out.
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cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
is the torching of all the south eastern blue ridge mountains and state parks an anti-trump protest?

if so, i hope all the arsonists are found and prosecuted. many decades of history (and trail bridges/stairs) destroyed in days because some jackasses decide to burn the blue ridge?


Well-Known Member
is the torching of all the south eastern blue ridge mountains and state parks an anti-trump protest?

if so, i hope all the arsonists are found and prosecuted. many decades of history (and trail bridges/stairs) destroyed in days because some jackasses decide to burn the blue ridge?
no worries Trump will fix it.

cat of curiosity

Well-Known Member
no worries Trump will fix it.
you think? he didn't start them...

we may have to evacuate in the next 48 hours, not knowing if we will even have a house to come home to...

but hey, freedom of speech and arson, right? i wonder if 'deplorable' fits the description of the people trying to burn down the 'dirty south'...