Any ideas what's causing this ??


Well-Known Member
After checking in with the lady's ive noticed a few leaves going like this Still green in the center but yellow and crispy on the outer edge two weeks into 12/12 can any one help point me in the right direction

Medium - canna coco pro plus

Feeding :
Plant magic cal-mag
Canna a & b

Ph : 5.9 -6.0
Ec 1.2
Background ec 0.2

Thanks in advanced


Well-Known Member
If your e.c. is correct, then I'm guessing you're feeding to often. need more info. how often are you feeding? every watering? soil or hydro? if soil, does it have ferts in it already? you're over ferting.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm useing canna coco for my medium and yes I have also been feeding 1 litre every watering they are in 11litre pots and get watered every two - three days thanks


Well-Known Member
I'm wondering if that coco has fert in it already, so check into it. it looks like coco is pretty dense so it would hold onto its water, so be careful how often you water. also when you say feeding 1 liter every watering, do you mean you have fert mixed to an e.c. of 1.2 in a liter and giving that every day? whatever the case, you're giving too much fert, either because your e.c. is too high or your giving fert too often with watering, or maybe both. I don't know what the right e.c. value is for coco.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
I feed as many as three to six times every 24 hours in a F&D hydro system. My mix is set at about 1/6 of what's recommended for soil outside in the fertilizer instruction. I can spray this res mix on the plants at this ratio without any adverse effects.


Well-Known Member
Hi may water has an ec of 0.2 and I top it up to around 0.5 - 0.6 of just calmag so around 0.6ec of just calmag which is roughly 1mil to every ltr
Hows the run off situation going? Are you flushing good run off through or saving salts in the root zone? Have you taken an ec of the runoff?


Well-Known Member
After checking in with the lady's ive noticed a few leaves going like this Still green in the center but yellow and crispy on the outer edge two weeks into 12/12 can any one help point me in the right direction

Medium - canna coco pro plus

Feeding :
Plant magic cal-mag
Canna a & b

Ph : 5.9 -6.0
Ec 1.2
Background ec 0.2

Thanks in advanced



Well-Known Member
Hows the run off situation going? Are you flushing good run off through or saving salts in the root zone? Have you taken an ec of the runoff?
Hi I water until run off every other watering but not too much though.I haven't actually tested the run off either I hand water and always aim for the ph to be around 5.9-6.00 also my ec readings are taken useing a blue lab truncheon thanks


Well-Known Member
After checking in with the lady's ive noticed a few leaves going like this Still green in the center but yellow and crispy on the outer edge two weeks into 12/12 can any one help point me in the right direction

Medium - canna coco pro plus

Feeding :
Plant magic cal-mag
Canna a & b

Ph : 5.9 -6.0
Ec 1.2
Background ec 0.2

Thanks in advanced
Check this out. Using your 11 litre pots like a res it shows your EC in coco is too low. Cool calculator and grow guide.


Well-Known Member
Hi I water until run off every other watering but not too much though.I haven't actually tested the run off either I hand water and always aim for the ph to be around 5.9-6.00 also my ec readings are taken useing a blue lab truncheon thanks
Ok so im running out of ideas. Post the whole plant i guess and maybe we can tell from that what the problem is. I have a truncheon too. But it seems like your adding the right stuff, the ph is good, the ec is good, everythings good, maybe the plants good and your just pulling off a dying leaf and freaking out about it? Idk, post the plant and well have a better idea.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'll post a pic sometime tomorrow thanks for your help I was also thinking could it be high humidity ? The room goes from 55-70 sometimes and the pots rarely dry out