Anyone Grown Big Bomb or Cheese


Active Member
hello there i was wundering if anyone has grown big bomb from bomb seeds or cheese from greenhouse seeds my seeds just sprouted and i wanna know how they go.any pics or people that have grown these.


Active Member
no offense, but arent you about to see how they go? you are a lucky man to have some cheese sprouts. id clone the shit out of that bitch.


Active Member
no offense, but arent you about to see how they go? you are a lucky man to have some cheese sprouts. id clone the shit out of that bitch.
yeah i know i will see thought i would do some home work on em just incase why am i lucky to have cheese sprouts


Active Member
Im growing BERRY BOMB .... (look at my signature).. so far the genetics look good. bomb seeds are the 'bomb' :)


Well-Known Member
Just sprouted some Big Bombs. 10 seeds and all germinated nicely exept one that is stupid and it sprouted then died. Thats about all I can answer to your question lol...

Going to cull out all but 2 females before flower. They wont be getting quite the spotlight that my Kali Mist plants get, I kinda just threw them in there because they are a faster flower and I have a bit of extra space.

Start a journal and Ill follow along my seedlings sprouted from the soil 4 days ago, would be cool to see how each others big bombs do. Im germinating 4 Kish seeds right now, they will only be about 4 days behind the Big Bombs so it will be interesting to see how these two different strains do, especially since they are similar plant types(indica, heavy yeild, fast flower, indoor strains)

Hey I know Del66666 grew some Big Bomb once upon a time, maybe you can dig out some info from an old thread somewhere


Active Member
Just sprouted some Big Bombs. 10 seeds and all germinated nicely exept one that is stupid and it sprouted then died. Thats about all I can answer to your question lol...

Going to cull out all but 2 females before flower. They wont be getting quite the spotlight that my Kali Mist plants get, I kinda just threw them in there because they are a faster flower and I have a bit of extra space.

Start a journal and Ill follow along my seedlings sprouted from the soil 4 days ago, would be cool to see how each others big bombs do. Im germinating 4 Kish seeds right now, they will only be about 4 days behind the Big Bombs so it will be interesting to see how these two different strains do, especially since they are similar plant types(indica, heavy yeild, fast flower, indoor strains)

Hey I know Del66666 grew some Big Bomb once upon a time, maybe you can dig out some info from an old thread somewhere
ok ill start one it will be cool to see the differnts mine sprouted yesterday ill freind ya so i can keep track of ur grow


Well-Known Member
sweet dude, gunna be cool to see the progression, nice that were starting around the same time, hopefully we flip to 12/12 around the same time then we can sync up the harvest.


Active Member
sweet dude, gunna be cool to see the progression, nice that were starting around the same time, hopefully we flip to 12/12 around the same time then we can sync up the harvest.
yeah its gonna be awsome what lights u using and how long are u planning on vegging


Well-Known Member
yeah its gonna be awsome what lights u using and how long are u planning on vegging
currently under a 400MH and a 600 MH conversion. Can't say for sure exactly how long I will veg for, they also arent getting the intense light that the Kali is getting, got them off to the side a bit(and they are stetching accordingly... but no worries I will bury the stems during replant). If I had to take a guess at how long I will veg for I would say probably about a total of ummmm 2 weeks longer... but thats just a guess, everything will be determined by when my Kali's are ready for flower(they have had 50 days of veg already). Any quick oppinions on cooltubes? I keep hearing they suck balls.... errrr anyways for lighting in flower I plan(really gotta get some cash together in the next couple weeks!!!) to run 2 1000watt HPS's 1 600watt MH conversion and 1 400watt MH. All in two cooltubes(I found a way to rig two bulbs in each cooltube!) and all crammed into a 4x6 room... SUPER fucking overkill on the lighting for this small room... I'm going to get myself a monster fan/filter setup and keep the temps down... If temps get out of hand I will turn off the 600 and 400. I want to see just how much bud I can produce in such a small space... its gunna be intense... sunglasses mandatory! Im fuckin excited! hahahah

Oh its in a cold basement so that should help lots for temps

BTW that works out to 125watts per square foot!


Active Member
currently under a 400MH and a 600 MH conversion. Can't say for sure exactly how long I will veg for, they also arent getting the intense light that the Kali is getting, got them off to the side a bit(and they are stetching accordingly... but no worries I will bury the stems during replant). If I had to take a guess at how long I will veg for I would say probably about a total of ummmm 2 weeks longer... but thats just a guess, everything will be determined by when my Kali's are ready for flower(they have had 50 days of veg already). Any quick oppinions on cooltubes? I keep hearing they suck balls.... errrr anyways for lighting in flower I plan(really gotta get some cash together in the next couple weeks!!!) to run 2 1000watt HPS's 1 600watt MH conversion and 1 400watt MH. All in two cooltubes(I found a way to rig two bulbs in each cooltube!) and all crammed into a 4x6 room... SUPER fucking overkill on the lighting for this small room... I'm going to get myself a monster fan/filter setup and keep the temps down... If temps get out of hand I will turn off the 600 and 400. I want to see just how much bud I can produce in such a small space... its gunna be intense... sunglasses mandatory! Im fuckin excited! hahahah

Oh its in a cold basement so that should help lots for temps

BTW that works out to 125watts per square foot!
holy shit man thats alot of lights ive never used cool tubes i got huge fan for out take so not needed.your power bill gonna be a killer your gonna need a power plant haha i wanna see how this turns out ill probibly veg for 4 weeks it worked well last time they trippled in size


Well-Known Member
It should work out to roughly $120 dollars a month and thats accounting for fans and everything else. I always turn off all the other lights in the house when I leave a room and I use hardly any power otherwise. I expect to my power bill to be around $150 a month.
Eventually I will build a larger room, so I will spread the light out a little more in the future to something more reasonable like 60 watts per square foot, but itll be fun to see what this does! Also my Kali Mist is 90% sativa so they really like hot and sunny


Active Member
It should work out to roughly $120 dollars a month and thats accounting for fans and everything else. I always turn off all the other lights in the house when I leave a room and I use hardly any power otherwise. I expect to my power bill to be around $150 a month.
Eventually I will build a larger room, so I will spread the light out a little more in the future to something more reasonable like 60 watts per square foot, but itll be fun to see what this does! Also my Kali Mist is 90% sativa so they really like hot and sunny
cool thats not too bad when i go bigger i wanna look into solar or wind power seems to be the go more stealthy my bill is only 320 every 3 months so im happy with that


Well-Known Member
gh are well known for bad germing but once they germ ive never had any problems......pulled over 4 oz dry each from 2 of the big bomb i grew..........


Active Member
gh are well known for bad germing but once they germ ive never had any problems......pulled over 4 oz dry each from 2 of the big bomb i grew..........
thats not bad from 12/12 from seed i cant wait to see what mine put out wif a veg of a month should be a fair amount i got 12 ounces of my first bag seed plant that was a big suprise