Anyone Wished They Got a 600w instead of a 400w?


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to point something out. If you plan on growing with 3-4 on the go at the same time of the short ryder plants. Your yield isnt going to be like 2 oz a plant. most autoflower varieties wont even give you an ounce dry, besides the aks from what Ive seen.

So if your aiming for the low 300grams per 600watt light, it would be hard to aim for those numbers with 3-4 plants. unless they are the taller AK's of course
Yeah, I came to the realization that this won't be a big yield, but more of an experiment. I wanted to see if the attic is suitable first of all, so I went with something almost dumby-proof.

And I need something quick. I haven't been able to hook up with anything but dirt-shwag in this area after 3-4 years. My recent outdoor harvest ended being the best shit I've smoked in years. So now, it's all about self-provisions and no more trips to the inner city to get jacked.

I also have some good bagseed from Hawaii, and will likely get some Bubblicious going in the near future if this works out.

Thanks! ;-)


Well-Known Member
No problem. I hope my insight really helped. I hear you on gettin the scwag though. Years ago I was getting really good buds. Up until like last year. Everyone started chopping dirt. If someone did have good weed, it didnt last very long. The shit I grew is blowing me and friends out of the water. People ask me were I got it, I dont know what to say besides the hells angels, noone wants to meet them.


Active Member
I have a 400w Lumatek and I always wonder if it would have been better getting the 600w. What I do like about the 400w is that I can get it down close to the canopy and heat is not a big problem. It works out well for whcih is about 4-6 plants at a time.


Well-Known Member
No problem. I hope my insight really helped. I hear you on gettin the scwag though. Years ago I was getting really good buds. Up until like last year. Everyone started chopping dirt. If someone did have good weed, it didnt last very long. The shit I grew is blowing me and friends out of the water. People ask me were I got it, I dont know what to say besides the hells angels, noone wants to meet them.

I love it. Hell's Angels. I'm gonna steal that response if you don't mind. They got the huge budget to grow massive quantities of killer crip to run cities, their law enforcement, and politicians.

Works for me :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
A caution for 600w buyers. Electronic and switchable ballasts don't run conversion bulbs. You'll see a very rapid loss in light and a likely bulb burnout real quick. The electronic ballasts provide whatever power the bulbs need, but when its a MH filament jerry rigged into HPS bulb, the ballast gets wishy washy on the power frequency and kills the bulb.

Don't just trust me for fun, Sunmaster and Hortilux are no longer warrantying their conversion bulbs when they are used in electronic ballasts.


Active Member
i baught a 600w and it is difficult to manage the heat, i have a 3ft x 3ft x 6ft grow space, i used a 400w before this with no problems, imgoing to add another extractor fan to controlheat. i bet the buds will be bigger dencer and more thc.


Well-Known Member
so, if your gonna buy the extra watts, use them. dont waste them, grow more plants or use less energy.

What do plan to do about temperature when the lights go off? low 30's? whats that celcius like zero?
The attic went down to 56*F last night when it was upper 40's outside. So with the lights on 20/4 I think I should be ok with heat (and cold) issues. If it gets too cold, I guess I'll run a space heater with the fan.

I can't wait to see the temps once I get the lights growing.

Per your suggestion, I will start another strain at the same time as the short ryders to make it worth my light bill. Any seed suggestions?


Well-Known Member
A caution for 600w buyers. Electronic and switchable ballasts don't run conversion bulbs. You'll see a very rapid loss in light and a likely bulb burnout real quick. The electronic ballasts provide whatever power the bulbs need, but when its a MH filament jerry rigged into HPS bulb, the ballast gets wishy washy on the power frequency and kills the bulb.

Don't just trust me for fun, Sunmaster and Hortilux are no longer warrantying their conversion bulbs when they are used in electronic ballasts.
Thanks Grizz, I didn't know that. So can I use HPS from start to finish? :leaf: Here's what I was buying:


Well-Known Member
Yes, HPS start to finish can be done, with no bad effects, stretching, and all that bad stuff you hear.

European growers use 430watt son agros with the added blue spectrum. This is a hps with all the flowering wavelengths you want, and some blue spectrum as well for vegging.

So with this one light, you can do a grow without said problems. I know cause I did it myself.

Your plants will stretch with HPS if the lights are to far away. Trick to not getting very leggy plants is to keep that light real close to them when they are small. Once they are older, the distance does not become a huge issue.


Well-Known Member
I would say check out Delta9Labs gear. Attitude has their gear on there. You dont hear of many people growing there stuff. I did their stargazer and my friend is doing some southern lights. Both genetics the seedlings took off like monsters. My bud finished and Im getting low on it, And wishing I had grown more.

Just a suggestion to check out their selection and see if there is anything that suits your tie.

I have a few more beans of stargazer to pop when I get my new order from greenhouse seeds. Thats another company worth checking out, from what I hear.


Well-Known Member
Btw, your cold issue can easily be rid of like you said with a little space heater. And you can take advantage of it as well. Nearing the end of harvest, giving them some cold nights close to freezing will make them develope some crazy colours on your bud. Which is cool for bag appeal, weather its just for you or other people.


Well-Known Member
Wow ok totally some good news here, thanks! I went with Nirvana's Short Ryder since they are a sponsor here and had a decent rep from what I read. This is also my first seedbank purchase, so I hope it goes well.

And I like the idea of having a potentially cold environment to start in. It sounds easier to heat than to cool. Now come summertime, I am fucked because that attic becomes the oven from hell. So I'll have to take it back outdoors or convince my neighbor to grow in his basement. My wife and I just had a HUGE fight when I told her I was going to do this, but hey, I'm reducing the national crime rate by not buying shwag off the street.

Here are my pre-growing pics of where I intend to obtain Nirvana.

The growing area I'm targeting...

The 3'6" x 3'6" space I am going to grow. I am going to put some plywood down so I don't put my 230 lb. ass through the 2nd floor ceiling. I'm also setting up some platforms around it to store nutes, water, and allow me to walk around. I need to find some tubs to put my pots case there's a water incident.

Yes, until I run a line, water will be trudged up these stairs.

This window will have to be blacked out. It's an attic window to the street. I wish I had some roof tar paper around.
Wow ok totally some good news here, thanks! I went with Nirvana's Short Ryder since they are a sponsor here and had a decent rep from what I read. This is also my first seedbank purchase, so I hope it goes well.

And I like the idea of having a potentially cold environment to start in. It sounds easier to heat than to cool. Now come summertime, I am fucked because that attic becomes the oven from hell. So I'll have to take it back outdoors or convince my neighbor to grow in his basement. My wife and I just had a HUGE fight when I told her I was going to do this, but hey, I'm reducing the national crime rate by not buying shwag off the street.

Here are my pre-growing pics of where I intend to obtain Nirvana.

The growing area I'm targeting...

The 3'6" x 3'6" space I am going to grow. I am going to put some plywood down so I don't put my 230 lb. ass through the 2nd floor ceiling. I'm also setting up some platforms around it to store nutes, water, and allow me to walk around. I need to find some tubs to put my pots case there's a water incident.

Yes, until I run a line, water will be trudged up these stairs.

This window will have to be blacked out. It's an attic window to the street. I wish I had some roof tar paper around.
I thought i was the only one to try an attic grow !

May i recommend hanging some curtains in that window and then building a box around them to black it out . Makes for a nice stealthy look from the outside. I am planning a sealed growing area about 10 x 10 with a 600 watt light vented to the chimney . I will be laying some flooring soon also. I plan to use large containers and organics . I will be watching your progresss thanks !


Well-Known Member
Yes, going to make absolutely sure that window gives out zero light. I'll probably do what you said to make it look good from the street. I'm also going with organic soil (Foxfarm) under my 600 watter. And I just ordered it from GHTG today! We'll be in touch and help eachother out with this 600w attic grow!

Happy Tokes!