Are auto strains any better or worse than Rey strains?


Well-Known Member
i guess i just dont get the point...if i can take a reg bean and control when it starts to flower, i can start the flowering cycle early if im restricted on space...anyone have any input on what exactly the benefit is?
The size benefit really isn't one for the reasons you stated. However I think they are potentially excellent for outdoors in areas where the climate isn't suited to regular photo period strains. Also if you're concerned about being tracked by smart meters you can just leave your light on 24 hours and it will appear more like a computer than a grow light on the meter, so there's that.

They also tend to be resistant to pests.

The genetics of them are still being worked, photo periods have been worked for decades. I fully expect autos to get there and it's possible the added vigor they tend to have could be beneficial with the right genetic combination, but at this point we're still in the relative infancy of the market. There is some decent stuff out there from all accounts, but it's a tough variety to breed because you can't keep mothers and fathers for true autos (semi autos are a different story and actually are more interesting to me at this point).


Well-Known Member
I think the point is convenience. Autos are just easier for a lot of people to grow. Plant it and forget it basically. It's kind of like the difference between an automatic transmission and a manual transmission. Manuals get more torque and better gas mileage, but many people prefer the convenience of not having to shift gears. I have only grown photoperiod, except for 1 auto, which was weaker than I like. It was a freeby and I can't remember it's name. I do have some Dinafem Auto Cheese growing right now though and have some World of Seeds Afghan Kush Rider auto that I am going to try a few months from now. I've heard a lot of good things about the World of Seeds Afghan Kush Rider. I really can't wait to give it a try.
Some auto varieties (just like some regular varieties such as skunk) tend to be more forgiving with pests and nutes, but ultimately they're not any different to grow. Setting a timer isn't that difficult.


Well-Known Member
that as well makes sense like a ....shit whats that as seen on tv product "just set it and forget it" guys have convinced me im gonna give an auto a try just for the knowledge and so i can have my own fully rounded opinion, cant hurt to throw a couple in the flowering room on 23 hrs since i dont have anything in there for a while
That's the other area where they are good, if you have room in your veg area, why not throw a couple in there? I think you should definitely try something before passing final judgement, good luck.
have been wanting to try the pe....any strain that can wind up a mainstream movie title with james franco in it HAS to be good loljk...on a serious note ive heard good things all around on the pe didnt realize they had an auto version as well, i think ill give that a run. wonder what the jan promo is going to look like at attitude..i like to hold off for the freebies lol
Dude i love the freebies from the Tude i just ordered some Northern Lights frm Green House Seeds kinda scared tho ive heard a few bad things about there genetics with all there strains not just AUTOS


Well-Known Member
Start your autos same time or a month before you start your reg photoperiods

You get a harvest from your autoflowers. And simultaneoulsly you veg your photoperiods and get a few clones
Then switch to 12/12 and flower out your photo's


Well-Known Member
Autos are great for people with just one cab, you can perpetual grow without having to worry about the light. Yes you could 12/12 a photo from seed, but not ever strain responds to 12/12 and the yield would be roughly the same as a smaller sized auto.