Are My Pots too Small?


Well-Known Member
hey guys I have 8 plants growing now about 3-4 weeks old they are about 10-12" tall and the pots are small 6" round plastic cheepies from walmart. I just put 4 or them into 12" pots 8L i think.

The roots were all along the side of the small pots and growing up i think too< just wondering if there will be any negative results due to this.

thanks for the help guys, they are going to be going outside soon in a few weeks just want to get them a bit larger first


Well-Known Member
here are some photos of the plants in the small and the large pots, next time we grow big or go home :) i think they are doing ok, they had some damage dute to nute burn and overwater but thats slowly erasing itself


Active Member
those need to go into bigger pots ... they look good ... let them roots roam a little farther and I bet they reward you well for it : )


Well-Known Member
i looked at the pots and they are only 2 gal. pots. im going to try to get them outside in the next wek or two. temps going up to 30+ c and high humidity here so i will wait till they go back to normal 25c before i start to migrate them outside slowly thanks dudes. hope they make for a freaking awesome october harvest


Active Member
They should be but I have a plant that's much bigger than yours in a pot that's smaller than yours. It needs transplanting but it's doing fine. They don't HAVE to be transplanted unless they become rootbound. You should transplant before then though :lol:


Well-Known Member
del66666 nevermind that pot, how about that plant its massive. one day mine will be that huge. when i took them out of the smaller pots the plant and all the soil came out in once piece and it was roots everywhere so i hope this holds them over for another week. then they go outside where there is no worries about that. then its a new bag of worriers


Well-Known Member
I've found also that larger pots will give ya larger yeilds but have also found small pots are manageable also....I use 2 ltr pot almost exclusively for my auto grows and my phot grows also....but bonzai tree propagation and frowing for 40 years has helped me understand how to take care of my ladies in small containers. Getting an avg of an oz per plant proves to me my small containers do work...expecially in a small tent grow where I'm able to control all enviromental factors...small pots do require a bit more attention to needs but suit me just fine....In our small collective, we all use small grows his clones in 16 oz party cups and one actually grows his 'commercial' varieties in 2 ltr as I do....we are all long time growers and all evolved to what works for us....
When ya can use larger pots, do so...but the rule of larger pots, larger yeild doesn't always work out perfectly.....small pots are used by more than one may think and perform very well....keeps my variety needs supplied perpetually and has been for a long time...