Are there any valid reasons why anyone not white, rich and male would vote republican?

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It's funny, they act like liberals just made up the war against women

No, see, if your retard party didn't push for rights against women, closing abortion clinics, suggesting women don't vote because they're too stupid, voting against birth control, that sort of shit, women wouldn't hate the republican party

Republicans have hated minorities for decades, why the hell would minorities vote for republicans?

Then they try to pass off the absent vote as a sign all these different groups of people just want hand outs, that's why they vote democrat. Kinda like when the FCC took comments regarding their new fast lane policies and got over a million negative comments and a fraction of a percentage of positive ones, then they said "see, only 1 million bad comments but we'll just assume the other 300 million + peoples silence means they support it, since they didn't comment..."

Most people don't vote republican because their platform is shit and it hasn't changed since before I was born; tax the lower class, tax breaks for corporations, trickle down economics
It's funny, they act like liberals just made up the war against women

No, see, if your retard party didn't push for rights against women, closing abortion clinics, suggesting women don't vote because they're too stupid, voting against birth control, that sort of shit, women wouldn't hate the republican party

Republicans have hated minorities for decades, why the hell would minorities vote for republicans?

Then they try to pass off the absent vote as a sign all these different groups of people just want hand outs, that's why they vote democrat. Kinda like when the FCC took comments regarding their new fast lane policies and got over a million negative comments and a fraction of a percentage of positive ones, then they said "see, only 1 million bad comments but we'll just assume the other 300 million + peoples silence means they support it, since they didn't comment..."

Most people don't vote republican because their platform is shit and it hasn't changed since before I was born; tax the lower class, tax breaks for corporations, trickle down economics

Let's come back to this on November 5th.

The lower class pays nothing in income taxes. The US has the highest corporate taxes in the industrial world. Both parties practice trickle down.

You should really just stick to talking about what you know well. We all know what that is.
The US has the highest corporate taxes in the industrial world.

but the lowest effective corporate tax rates in the world.

if you actually had a point worth making, you wouldn't need to lie so blatantly like that.

You should really just stick to talking about what you know well. We all know what that is.

how deluded folks like you are?

tell us more about how 34 national academies of science have it all wrong.
all this coming from the guy who has relied on government his entire life for everything he has.

that's cute.
You can't really complain considering you misdeclare your taxes and only starting contributing your scant amount recently.
You can't really complain considering you misdeclare your taxes and only starting contributing your scant amount recently.

been paying taxes since i was 15 years old, and unlike your white nationalist buddy, have never relied on the government for my entire existence like he does.
Bald faced lying is oldest trick in the book and the OP falls for it constantly. The DEMS are the Fat Cats, and you are snooked by the LIE if you think otherwise. It is easy to fool most of the people, most of the time.
Of the 10 richest House districts, only two have Republican congressmen. Democrats claim the top six, sprinkled along the East and West coasts. Most are in overwhelmingly Democratic states like New York and California.
So if this is true. Why are they portrayed as ŕaising taxes?
It's funny, they act like liberals just made up the war against women

No, see, if your retard party didn't push for rights against women, closing abortion clinics, suggesting women don't vote because they're too stupid, voting against birth control, that sort of shit, women wouldn't hate the republican party

Republicans have hated minorities for decades, why the hell would minorities vote for republicans?

Then they try to pass off the absent vote as a sign all these different groups of people just want hand outs, that's why they vote democrat. Kinda like when the FCC took comments regarding their new fast lane policies and got over a million negative comments and a fraction of a percentage of positive ones, then they said "see, only 1 million bad comments but we'll just assume the other 300 million + peoples silence means they support it, since they didn't comment..."

Most people don't vote republican because their platform is shit and it hasn't changed since before I was born; tax the lower class, tax breaks for corporations, trickle down economics

It's not a right to murder your baby.
Ummmm bcz of there personal beliefs????you can't lob every white rich ass hole all into one big republican machine...we are all individuals we all have opinions.thats like saying every white guy has a small dick.... please.
been paying taxes since i was 15 years old, and unlike your white nationalist buddy, have never relied on the government for my entire existence like he does.
White ppl have it just as bad as blacks as Mexicans and every other "minority" they just use blame to feel better about themselves America is the problem not the ppl let's all just be friends.were all equal in the eyes of the creator
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