are these pollen sacks? pics

disco dave

Active Member
hi guys need some help im growing 5 dutch passion power plant feminized from seed. been flowerin for 2 weeks there all showing female but on a couple of them there are some balls between the nodes. could they be pollen sacks. also there single, in previous grows when iv had males the pollen sacks seem to grow in clusters. also is it just preflowers that grow between the nodes because on some of mine there seems to be new growth rather than a preflower you will see on the pics. any help is much appreciated.thanks



Well-Known Member
pics one and 2 are male

pics 3 and 4 are female

nice looking plants dude looks like you got a good setup going

kill those freeloading males immediately, unless you want them for breeding purposes


Well-Known Member
the first 2 pics are male, they were all feminized seed? pic 3 and 4 hard to tell but i think i see female brachts. 5th pic cant tell at all that is new growth. they all look very healthy and gorgeous.

disco dave

Active Member
pics are all of same plant so i guess its hermi. there are not many of them balls only on a couple of nodes would it be ok to just cut them off

disco dave

Active Member
does any one else have an opinion on my pics im really not sure because i thought male pods show in clusters these are just single pods i cut one off and opened it nothing really in it but it smells like weed. if you look at pic 5 i think that was one of the single pods


Well-Known Member
Hey man, this is currently happening to me also. I've had 1 male preflower that showed first. It was only one of them, and now I've counted up to 11 female pistils. There's no more male preflowers on mine so far, and it's grown 2 nodes since. So I guess time will tell us man. Cut off all those male preflowers.


Well-Known Member
occasionally you get plants that are both sexes, not hermie. Hermies are cauzed by environment... these plants usually happen because of genetics. Try trimming off the balls, separating it from the rest, and flowering it out to see what happens?