Arkansas : 5,000 birds & 100,000 Fish Dead.


Well-Known Member
Now we have thousands of dead crabs and hundreds of dead starfish washing up on English beaches.

Many news stories are calling this a mystery. After all, if you say it's natural, has been happening for years, and is unrelated to the bird and fish death in the's doesn't sound very interesting.

I like the explanation which says this is a response to Snooki writing a novel.

This article seems to get it right,
Cold weather is the reason thousands of dead crabs have washed up on beaches in England, experts say.
But the deaths of velvet swimming crabs due to cold is not unusual, the BBC reports.
"This shows just how much severe weather can disrupt marine life, as well as our own lives," Tony Child, a spokesman for the Thanet Coast Project, told the British broadcaster.
The news follows reports of dead fish and blackbirds in the U.S.
On Dec. 30, officials discovered between 80,000 to 100,000 dead drum fish along a 32 km stretch of the Arkansas River near Ozark.
Mark Oliver of the state's fish and game commission said the fish probably died of disease. He said there's no connection between the fish deaths and the 5,000 blackbirds that fell dead from the sky on New Year's Eve just 200 km away in the community of Beebe.
“We don't see any possible way they're related,” Oliver told QMI Agency.
“It's just a coincidence, but an interesting one.”
The birds started dropping at around 11:30 p.m., landing on cars and homes, lawns and roads.
The fish and bird deaths have prompted Christian media to quote Bible passages warning about the end times, while conspiracy theory websites tout the deaths as evidence of UFOs.


Well-Known Member
It has been going on year after year since before the oil spill. It just something that happens. Media attention is now focused on it. It's called anomaly hunting. If you want to see a site which has taken anomaly hunting to the ultimate levels of obsession, check out Their article on the dead birds makes it sound like the end is upon us.


Well-Known Member
The talking heads on the news channels can not explain why. They have speculated that a lack of oxygen in the water may have killed the fish. Or a disease could be the culprit.

The birds, the talking heads have speculated, were possibly stressed out all at once and fell out of the sky. Possibly by fireworks and/or gunshots at the strike of midnight in celebration of the new year could have been the cause of the stress that killed the birds. The birds were found early morning on 1/1/11 said to have deceased just before midnight according to witnesses.

First. It is 1/3/11. Why are we now only hearing about this? Perhaps because they needed time to get thier story straight. Knowing it would only be a matter of time before amateur videographers would be posting videos on the internet.

Second. Fireworks? Then why is it there are not a rash of dead birds found after the 4th of July? Do they think we are really that stupid? I know I'm not.

Now a question to all the people ther who would have an idea of what happend. Those in Arkansas and surrouding areas.
Has there been any adverse weather lately?
Have there been any strange rainbow formations on the clouds?
Like how gas and water looked mixed together.
Any strange cloud formations?

Please everyone share your theories. I am thinking HAARP. I know, I'm paranoid.


I live in Fort Smith, Arkansas and I honestly think that the end is coming. I mean, can I sit here and be 100% sure of that the world is coming to an end? No... I can't, because I'm not psychic. However, my intuition and my senses are telling me.. something is def. going on and its not just here
in Arkansas.. its all over the world.

I personally believe.. that the wheels are in motion, so to say. I mean think about it everyone.. and have an open mind about the issue. All the signs are there.. and they seem to be happening more and more often. Animals mysteriously dying off; ENORMOUS floods in Australia; Snow in Georgia and other deep south states; just all kinds of things going on right now.. that really should make you question, rather or not the end is near.

I mean, we've been at war for what.. 5 or 6 years now? And its been non-stop war!!
So, we have WARS; False Prophets; Famines; Earthquakes; Tribulations; etc...

We have "False Prophets" and people claiming to be God and or Jesus.
In the past several years here lately, we've had many people claim to be the "Messiah". Take for example, Jim Jones and David Koresh... those two idiots are prime examples of these "false prophets".. and these "false prophets" are just the prelude to the ultimate 'False Prophet'.

Matthew 24:7 - "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famine and earthquakes"
The above scripture.. is pretty much describing whats taking place right now!! How could it be wrong?! It can't be!

Look, I'm not going to sit here and present all the evidence of the world coming to an end.. but it IS coming people. The evidence is there, right there.. in every day life.. on the news every day.. the evidence is right in front of all of us!! Each and every day, there's some kind of new evidence that the world is coming to a slow end..

But again, nobody can be 100% sure on this.. but I mean.. again, if you sit and go over the evidence and read up on this issue.. its kinda hard not to think that we could indeed possibly be close to the end of the world.

Just my opinion.. ;)

Lastly, I'll say this much... if the world is def. coming to an end in 2012.. you can bet your ass that I'll be nice and blitzed! I'm not dying sober! :D



Well-Known Member
I live in Fort Smith, Arkansas and I honestly think that the end is coming. I mean, can I sit here and be 100% sure of that the world is coming to an end? No... I can't, because I'm not psychic. However, my intuition and my senses are telling me.. something is def. going on and its not just here
in Arkansas.. its all over the world.

I personally believe.. that the wheels are in motion, so to say. I mean think about it everyone.. and have an open mind about the issue. All the signs are there.. and they seem to be happening more and more often. Animals mysteriously dying off; ENORMOUS floods in Australia; Snow in Georgia and other deep south states; just all kinds of things going on right now.. that really should make you question, rather or not the end is near.

I mean, we've been at war for what.. 5 or 6 years now? And its been non-stop war!!
So, we have WARS; False Prophets; Famines; Earthquakes; Tribulations; etc...

We have "False Prophets" and people claiming to be God and or Jesus.
In the past several years here lately, we've had many people claim to be the "Messiah". Take for example, Jim Jones and David Koresh... those two idiots are prime examples of these "false prophets".. and these "false prophets" are just the prelude to the ultimate 'False Prophet'.

Matthew 24:7 - "For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and in various places there will be famine and earthquakes"
The above scripture.. is pretty much describing whats taking place right now!! How could it be wrong?! It can't be!

Look, I'm not going to sit here and present all the evidence of the world coming to an end.. but it IS coming people. The evidence is there, right there.. in every day life.. on the news every day.. the evidence is right in front of all of us!! Each and every day, there's some kind of new evidence that the world is coming to a slow end..

But again, nobody can be 100% sure on this.. but I mean.. again, if you sit and go over the evidence and read up on this issue.. its kinda hard not to think that we could indeed possibly be close to the end of the world.

Just my opinion.. ;)

Lastly, I'll say this much... if the world is def. coming to an end in 2012.. you can bet your ass that I'll be nice and blitzed! I'm not dying sober! :D

The only evidence you point out is circumstantial. Go back to 1990, 1978, 1920, pretty much any time in the history of the world, and you will find plenty of examples of 'signs' like the ones you point out. The only difference between now and then is your awareness. I suggest you make yourself aware of the proper way to evaluate evidence before committing to such a conclusion as the sky is falling.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I mean, we've been at war for what.. 5 or 6 years now? And its been non-stop war!!
So, we have WARS; False Prophets; Famines; Earthquakes; Tribulations; etc...

It's true. This is the only time in our history that humanity has been plagued with wars, false prophets, famines, earthquakes, and tribulations.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
And now for extra credit I would like anyone to go back through history and find a time period NOT plagued with wars, false prophets, famines, earthquakes, and tribulations. Any time period ever.

Come on guys, you aren't going to see the end of the world. Or humanity. How egotistical do you have to believe to think everything that is and will be revolves around you? Like you or your time period holds some special significance. It doesn't and you don't. Humanity will end at some point, but the odds that any one of us will happen to be around for it is laughable. The idea that not only are we going to be around for it, but that YOU can see it and predict it better than anyone else is hysterically laughable.


Well-Known Member
I seen on TV a long time ago, an experiment that had thousands of people try and concentrate on the percentage of crime to drop in a certain town over a period of time... it resulted in like a 10-15% drop over that time then increased back to normal shortly after... probably just nothing but it just made me think for a second that all I am seeing on TV lately is universe shows, how will we end, mega disasters... on the Internet especially... that also makes feel like something big is happening but I can not explain what and when... It seems a lot of people feel this on this forum as seen in this section. Is it possible if all of humanity focus's on the world ending on 2012 or whatever... it could be like trying to not run over that pot hole but if you look at it you increase your chances of hitting it (or so I've heard). Just saying... lol... I also will be high as fuck if anything suspicious is going down, which is probably all the time anyways... peace... I just hope after we/I die there is something else... for us/me in store


Well-Known Member
Well there is pretty much no debate about what happened to these birds at this point. All of the examined corpses had blunt trama, meaning they crashed into something, each other, or something hit them. Turns out while not exactly common, it is a well documented and well understood phenomenon. Now, how many news stories have you read or heard reporting how this event was nothing to be alarmed over? Most people will now remember the mysterious birds dying on new years and think that it was never explained. Another one of those events that 'baffle' scientists.


Active Member
I dont wory about it. Sure its sad that all those creatures died but a lot of people are seeing this as a spiritual thing and Im sure thats what this gearing towards since it is in a spiritual thread but tieing problems to religoun and all that stuff is just none sense. There turning this into the plegue wich was started by rats and the raining of frogs in mexico wich was due to evaperating water carying frog eggs. Things happen. I would like to know why because this could b a problem and hurt more fish or birds. Blaming it on something spiritual wont get us any closer to the answer though and thats a fact. Its been proven way to many time wich is funny I think. It amazes me how people can beleive things so much for no reason. U prove once to a person that 2 + 2 = 4 and that person will beleive that for the rest of there life. U prove to that person 1000 times that spirituality isnt behind every probly that person will still turn to his spirituality and ask y?


Well-Known Member
I dont wory about it. Sure its sad that all those creatures died but a lot of people are seeing this as a spiritual thing and Im sure thats what this gearing towards since it is in a spiritual thread but tieing problems to religoun and all that stuff is just none sense. There turning this into the plegue wich was started by rats and the raining of frogs in mexico wich was due to evaperating water carying frog eggs. Things happen. I would like to know why because this could b a problem and hurt more fish or birds. Blaming it on something spiritual wont get us any closer to the answer though and thats a fact. Its been proven way to many time wich is funny I think. It amazes me how people can beleive things so much for no reason. U prove once to a person that 2 + 2 = 4 and that person will beleive that for the rest of there life. U prove to that person 1000 times that spirituality isnt behind every probly that person will still turn to his spirituality and ask y?
The less control a person feels they have over a situation or idea, the more they will turn to superstition. This is evidenced in sports, among other places. Athletes are known for doing superstitious things like wearing lucky shirts. Some sports are more about skill, and others are more about luck. The players involved in games of chance exhibit far more superstitious behavior than the ones involved in games of skill because they feel they have less control. There is nothing we feel we have less control over than our deaths, which is why the superstition of religion is so compelling.


Well-Known Member
I think it's something in the air

From 2 years ago.

Colony Collapse Disorder continued in 2009 as bees disappear from US. The decline in the US bee population, first observed in 2006, is continuing, a phenomenon that still baffles researchers and beekeepers. Data from the US Department of Agriculture showed a 29 per cent drop in beehives in 2009, following a 36 per cent decline in 2008 and a 32 per cent fall in 2007. This affected not only honey production but around $15 billion worth of crops that depended on bees for pollination. Scientists call the phenomenon "colony collapse disorder", and it has led to the disappearance of millions of adult bees and beehives and occurred elsewhere in the world, including in Europe. Researchers have looked at viruses, parasites, insecticides, malnutrition and other environmental factors but have been unable to pinpoint a specific cause for the population decline.
The rough winter in many parts of the United States will likely accentuate the problem. But preliminary estimates already indicated losses of 30 to 50 per cent. "There are a lot of beekeepers who are in trouble. Under normal condition you have 10 per cent winter losses ... this year there are 30, 40 to 50 per cent losses." The phenomenon probably resulted from a combination of factors but the increased use of pesticides appears to be a major cause.