Well-Known Member
I joined the Army with a buddy and we went thru basic together on our way to Vietnam. I tried to talk him into becoming a medic with me but he didn't want to walk around in the jungle. He wanted a job "in the rear with the gear" so he became a truck driver. I ran into him about 1/2 way thru my tour, he was in a field hospital recovering from wounds suffered in the field. His job consisted of driving an army dump truck full of dirt, backwards in front of tank columns. A truck and a private were easier to replace than a tank. He had just received his second purple heart. EOD was a different sport in vietnam.Speaking as an Infantryman, I think Drivers are crazier than us. After OEF IX-X, I will walk from Kandahar to Nuristan before I ever drive a road in a combat zone ever again.
When I enlisted, I got $15k in bonus pay. Drivers got $40k or $80k, I believe. That should say something.

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