Attention Atheist

Disco Pwnstar

New Member
im actually buddhist, but when im talking to people that have perverted religion, i side with the atheists.

that goes to show how bad you and "your people" missed the fucking point.

the seedman

Active Member
how can any of you dumb fuck believers be on this site dont you realize smoking dope dis-communicates you from your precious god. by being a smoker or grower, your saying fuck you god im on the devils team (he's got better weed). As you cant believe in one without the other.

Unless your living on a mountain eating crickets for food and praying to a burning bush, your most likely to be a sinner and going to hell..... any way... rollitup
take a hit from ya bong


Well-Known Member

looking back at the larger view, makes me shake my head as well. we were intel gathers though. i was nuke mm. 2001-2005, early seperation,

the seedman

Active Member
you see, if more straight arsed christians got off their high horse, and let people make their own choices, instead of trying to make choices for the majority in the form of morals and political beliefs. we'ed all be better off. all ya ll christen belivers your all going to hell, no matter how much you pray, for ye shall surely die.... the seedman
fuckt up..on the dutch bubagum

the seedman

Active Member
i dont believe it, the pro creationist loosers have finally given up their pathetic attempts to convince themselves and everone within earshot of their floored teachings.