**ATTN: NEW GROWERS** invaluable lesson...


Active Member
I am a new grower also. I started 05/11 I have grown a LOT of stuff so far and adding more daily...In this time I harvested maybe 10 plants so far? close to that with auto's etc...The biggest mistake I have made since starting and have just now learned how invaluable this one tiny step is...once you cut your plant down your work is NOT done...all of the plants prior have been chopped trimmed hung up a few days and put in jars for 2-3 days then gone...wow! what a huge mistake!!!! Drying and Curing is where you really make your plants shine for all they are...I have been the king of samples...take a cutting off throw it in the oven and bam this is pretty good...high I was, without question it works that way...I just recently was able to have plenty to harvest and cure to the letter of most DnC posts right here on RIU (y'all rock)...and I gotta say that any plant prior was such an incredible waste of my time and energy!!! Its a borderline buzz kill thinking about it!!...so please if you do anything at all: have the patience to dry and CURE the flower properly...I just can NOT stress this enough...please learn from my mistakes and stupidity...I promise it will reward you 10 fold...the taste and flavor is so much better and yes pay attention it is so much MORE POTENT...anyways please take heed...I know personally I was like "hmmm this works"...and like I said it does work and having been new I did not listen or follow directions...now I know better...enjoy!


Active Member
i use a dehydrator for my quick samples before harvest works like a charm doesnt get above 140F which will dry a freshly harvested lower in about 3 hours yes you have to wait but you dont pop hardly any resin heads from the heat. Well said. Award winning cannabis is aged just like a fine whine or brandy. Only the patient smoke the best tasting herbage.

Good post brother


Active Member
Nice I agree completly , I harvested my first a lil while back and was not the most satisfied with the turn out. Now dont get me wrong it got me high and tasted fine but overall it could of but better. I know my problem was in the drying and curing stage , I didnt fully grasped the whole process and how important it was untill I was done. Now I think i'll do a lot better (we'll see son) know completly overstanding the process , now to do it right is the challenge.

Great Thread Should Be A Lot Of Help............

Happy Growing!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it's easy to under-prepare for harvest - so much work getting to it that it seems like you should be able to start popping the Champagne.