Aussi Baseball Player killed...


Well-Known Member
I don't want to argue the Zimmerman case any more. I don't see how you can think Z is guilty of manslaughter, and just leave it at that.

I am only vaguely familiar with the Casey Anthony trial, but I recently watched a "Nova" (I think it was Nova) episode on PBS about forensic "science". Based on that, I have thrown in the towel on most forensic science; I think it is almost entirely hokum. One of the examples the show used was testimony by an "expert on human corpses" in the Anthony prosecution. The guy testified that he smelled the trunk of Anthony's car and determined that the scent was that of a dead human body... not a decaying piece of chicken, or a dead mouse... a dead human. I have to say that if I was on that jury I would have rolled my eyes and been very skeptical of everything else the prosecution said.
WOW...Casey says the babysitter took my child. Found out later that this was all a big lie. Child was never took by any babysitter. Child turns up dead down the street from Casey's house. Casey still found not guilty...

And all you have to say is maybe the smell in the car was not of a dead body but a dead chicken or mouse. If I ever wanted to do a crime, I know I should do it in Florida.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
You smoking some stuff that's making you forget. I never said Zimmerman guilty of a hate crime. I always said it was more of a manslaughter ( and still do). Again do YOU have any proof that this was a hate crime??? You do realize that you have written some negative things ( whether in joke or for real ) on this site about other races. You have even liked negative comments about other races. From your logic, I would suggest that you don't fight, hurt or kill anyone from another race...HATE CRIME will be added to your charges.
I don't recall doing that. I don't take responsibility for all my "likes", at least not for every word or thought in a comment I "liked".

desert dude

Well-Known Member
WOW...Casey says the babysitter took my child. Found out later that this was all a big lie. Child was never took by any babysitter. Child turns up dead down the street from Casey's house. Casey still found not guilty...

And all you have to say is maybe the smell in the car was not of a dead body but a dead chicken or mouse. If I ever wanted to do a crime, I know I should do it in Florida.
As I said, I am not very familiar with the facts of the Anthony trial. I did not watch it or pay any attention to it beyond hearing a few headline snippits. A jury did listen to every scrap of evidence and testimony and they rendered a verdict. I am not going to argue with them about it.


Well-Known Member
It all boils down to not enough supervision. Parents are not there anymore. We are all working
That's an important point. I have 3 kids. My wife works 1-2 days a week, and I work 50+ hours a week, and there are days where I wonder how we keep our shit straight. I couldn't imagine trying to bring kids up properly in a 2 income household, or worse yet being a single parent.

We are working more, making less, and as a result spending less time on the important task of raising well adjusted children.


Well-Known Member
A neighbor ratted them out for smoking a joint so CPS (mind you who is not $$$$ oriented *VERy SARCASTIC*) took the child from that UNSAFE environment and put it into a SAFER environment.... They may have lost their child but they'll soon have the money to raise a herd of children I'm sure!!!
It was much more than just smoking pot

El Tiberon

Active Member
No, I am not for criminalizing thoughts. Take El Tib, for example, he is a truly hateful person and blatantly racist. If his "crime" is only spewing racist non-sense on RIU then I have no legal beef with him. If he acts on his insane ideas and assaults or murders somebody then prosecute him for his violent crime.

In this case, a man was murdered and from the facts I have seen it looks like a premeditated murder. What motivated these boys should be of no concern beyond murder 1.

Pointing out the hypocrisy of the media does not mean that I endorse thought crimes.
I only hate those who have attempted to hurt and destroy Colombia and her citizens. Asians did not do this. Blacks did not do this. It can be broken down further into nationalities. Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, etc. The UNITED STATES is solely responsible for this. Under your logic, a man can fuck your ass every day and you would shake his hand and thank him for your pain.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
I only hate those who have attempted to hurt and destroy Colombia and her citizens. Asians did not do this. Blacks did not do this. It can be broken down further into nationalities. Chinese, Japanese, Egyptian, etc. The UNITED STATES is solely responsible for this. Under your logic, a man can fuck your ass every day and you would shake his hand and thank him for your pain.
Boring... Dumb... Waste of time...


Well-Known Member
ok let us point out some facts first so in the future statements from you won't be so :dunce:.

China's population is about 1.4 billion whilst the USA is only about 313 million, so I don't think China is on to anything about population control...too late.
If you can raise your children to be responsible law abiding citizens then I say have at it. I also don't believe welfare is the reason why children are acting the way they are today. Welfare reform took place with Clinton with the PRWORA. Did crime get worst after reform ??? I would say yes we have more crime today than we did back in 1996 so welfare is not making kids more violent, because we actually have less welfare now then we did back before Clinton.

Also do you actually know of any mothers who drive a Lexus, having 6 kids with no decent shoes???or is this something you heard on the internet.

So you're a firm believer in the idea that "if you don't a problem it doesn't exist"? Maybe in your white bred america you don't see it so you can't possibly believe it... ignorance. Yes I've seen worthless bitches with lexus's, mercedez, suv's and kids running down the road in diapers that look like they ain't bathed in days, it's called the ghetto and when you live in it (as I have) or by it (as I have) you see this shit!!

I'll agree Welfare is not the ONLY problem but your nuts if your don't think it contributes. Step out of your box and go spend a day in the hood or in an elementary school in the hood, it'll open your eyes. Yes good kids come out of the ghetto and bad kids are sometimes born with silver spoons in their mouths some people are just bad. If you don't think there are mothers out there with 6 kids collecting their welfare and treating themselves to good meals out partying while the kids suffer and WE the tax payers continue to contribute via taxes so they can continue to party than man I'm just talking to a wall!!


Well-Known Member
So you're a firm believer in the idea that "if you don't a problem it doesn't exist"? Maybe in your white bred america you don't see it so you can't possibly believe it... ignorance. Yes I've seen worthless bitches with lexus's, mercedez, suv's and kids running down the road in diapers that look like they ain't bathed in days, it's called the ghetto and when you live in it (as I have) or by it (as I have) you see this shit!!

I'll agree Welfare is not the ONLY problem but your nuts if your don't think it contributes. Step out of your box and go spend a day in the hood or in an elementary school in the hood, it'll open your eyes. Yes good kids come out of the ghetto and bad kids are sometimes born with silver spoons in their mouths some people are just bad. If you don't think there are mothers out there with 6 kids collecting their welfare and treating themselves to good meals out partying while the kids suffer and WE the tax payers continue to contribute via taxes so they can continue to party than man I'm just talking to a wall!!
If you knew me you would not have even wasted your time typing that. Wrong person to give that speech to. I see you have hatred toward a certain type. Might I suggest that you don't fit everyone into your little box.
Trust when I say I spend more then "just a day in the ghetto". I'm one of those who must certaingly put my mopney were my month is. If I see a kid "running down the street with diapers on looking like they have not bathed in days", I would do something about it, but I guess you are one of those who only like to talk big on the WWW.

El Tiberon

Active Member
If you knew me you would not have even wasted your time typing that. Wrong person to give that speech to. I see you have hatred toward a certain type. Might I suggest that you don't fit everyone into your little box.
Trust when I say I spend more then "just a day in the ghetto". I'm one of those who must certaingly put my mopney were my month is. If I see a kid "running down the street with diapers on looking like they have not bathed in days", I would do something about it, but I guess you are one of those who only like to talk big on the WWW.
None of you know anything about poverty. Even the poorest of the poor in the US don't face the dangers that are seen around this planet. You throw away enough food each day that could feed an entire nation of people each day.


Well-Known Member
None of you know anything about poverty. Even the poorest of the poor in the US don't face the dangers that are seen around this planet. You throw away enough food each day that could feed an entire nation of people each day.
and what do you do to help feed others??? Commenting on a weed forum does not count.

El Tiberon

Active Member
and what do you do to help feed others??? Commenting on a weed forum does not count.
20-30.000 of food given away daily and 20.000 daily allotted for donation each month. 40-50.000COP each day total. You can do the math since you are so interested in my contribution to society.


Well-Known Member
So you're a firm believer in the idea that "if you don't a problem it doesn't exist"? Maybe in your white bred america you don't see it so you can't possibly believe it... ignorance. Yes I've seen worthless bitches with lexus's, mercedez, suv's and kids running down the road in diapers that look like they ain't bathed in days, it's called the ghetto and when you live in it (as I have) or by it (as I have) you see this shit!!

I'll agree Welfare is not the ONLY problem but your nuts if your don't think it contributes. Step out of your box and go spend a day in the hood or in an elementary school in the hood, it'll open your eyes. Yes good kids come out of the ghetto and bad kids are sometimes born with silver spoons in their mouths some people are just bad. If you don't think there are mothers out there with 6 kids collecting their welfare and treating themselves to good meals out partying while the kids suffer and WE the tax payers continue to contribute via taxes so they can continue to party than man I'm just talking to a wall!!
They live next door
They are white and own a trampoline and a swimming pool
father claims to be a "stay at home dad" He cant work becuase he gets disability for his bad back. But he sure can do back flips on the trampoline


Well-Known Member
just saw it on the news. I assume they were black kids? Must have been since race wasnt mentioned. Since they were so bored they should maybe get jobs... Oh wait but all the racist white people wont hire shitbag thugs.
Two black, one white. Inexplicably, they are often referred to as "three black teens", when it is obvious they are not.