Aussie Growers Thread

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
I was sure you would be well versed bra:)
A water feature is also great to mask grow room noise in an innocent fashion, indoor or out.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
Respect for you having experience with the stuff though...I am dead keen to build be honest I haven't actually ever seen one only watched several dvds on the stuff and extensive reading on the internet.

Have you had any experience building with cob? That's something I am interested in. I want to build some wicked grow beds out of cob (lined with a pond liner or weaved straw) for my greenhouse.

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
There's no stopping this guy...

Pass on a hug and a kiss to all your plushies mate.

The SSH has been loving the recent warm weather and long days...filling out nicely. Will get a bit of bondage tomorrow if she continues like this.


Well-Known Member
yeh its been nice this bit of warmth i do from everyone at riu every day! naa they're prime bro! dont know about these clones i got tho lookin sketchy!

'ome Grown

Well-Known Member
nah...nothing at all...can't tell shit. If will be having a photo session either tonight or will post up a recent pic for all your educated and experienced eyes.


Well-Known Member
yeh idk bro these babys are taking on some weird yellowing at the top of the plant all the new growths yellow im not really worrying about em!

Tran Dinh

Well-Known Member
Bucky, oh bucky (uncle chop chop tone)
Sup unc, smash em up mate I don't mind:)

Ome- yeh mate I'm also one to conduct extensive research into such activities :) however the older I get the more responsibilities are bestowed upon me I'm becoming time poor, so I tend to build now ask questions later lol.
My aquaponics set up was a simple barrel for the fish and a plastic moulded kiddy pool filled with river rock for the bed.

Wtf is cob? haha