Awesomely bad prequels, sequels, and remakes.

Rated in the bottom 250 of IMDB -- The Mask 2. I thought I was gonna die when someone told me I had to watch it with them! It was the worst most pathetic piece of garbage I've ever seen. Someone should have thrown those poor irrevocably damaged cameras right in the trash after filimg! lol
boondock saints 2. It was just the exact same movie with asians.

The greatest movie of all time, followed by one of the worst sequels ever. How the fuck do they even THINK they can try to replace Rocco?? Even the same basic jokes.....just terrible
Cum Guzzlers 57 was awful, but Cum Guzzlers 56 & 55 were pretty good. Though I must admit the writer was a little light on dialog. I would have loved to see me personal progression from the antagonist when she was taking it up the ass. But hell, Im no film critic, who am I to judge.
umm all three of the new star wars movies compared to the old ones are bantha fodder.. but the new star trek movie was better than most of the old ones. some bad ones... tremors 3, troll 2, robocop3, terminator 3, ninja turtles 3, blade 3, oceans 12 and 13, halloween 3 (I mean come on), jason goes to manhattan, jason x, pirates of the carribean 3, cheech and chongs "hey watch this"... ( i love chech and chong but was to recycled for me)
You wanna talk about about nothing new in the movies its all rip offs this is just a tiny expample the older I get the more I see of it LOL
