B+ with birdseed


Well-Known Member
Ok guys been waiting all but 2 weeks because of the holidays and I finally received my B+ spores today from Sporestore.com. I got 2 10cc syringes for 15 dollars. I bought a bag of rainbow valley wild bird feed from walmart for 8 dollars. Also i bought 16 canning jars for 7 dollars.

I just rinsed off a bunch of seed and removed all the floaters. Now i have them soaking in a pot in my fridge. Will keep updating and hopefully get some pictures down the road


Well-Known Member
can you really produce enough shrooms to make a large amount of dough?? if so any ideas? i always wanted to grow shrooms but i need like a pound. at least dry and that sounds near impossible.


Well-Known Member
i dont have a pressure cooker yet im gonna get one in a few days. Im going to try and inoculate 4 jars and steam the jars in a pot for an hour


Well-Known Member
Ok so I got my jars ready by using a screw driver and putting a whole in the top of the lids. I stuck a cotten ball through each one of the wholes. I wiped the jars out with a disinfectant and put the lids back on. I took my soaking birdseed and simmered it on the stove for 40 minutes the seeds puffed up nice. Then one at a time i filled the jars up with now fully hydrated seeds. I used a large postal package bag thing that i had cut into smaller squares earlier. i put those over the jars and put the lids on over them. Then i put aluminum foil over each jar and ive been steaming them in a pot on high for the last hour im gonna leave it on for 30 more minutes to be safe.

let me know if you have any questions or comments


Well-Known Member
i dont drive and i had a friend run me around to get shit and i couldnt get brf anywhere except the health food store on the other end of town. Plus i can't even find any vermiculite any ideas im gonna need some when these jars are colonized. Plus i heard birdseed is better anyways more nutes


Well-Known Member
started out and had a bunch of heat issues and re injected the jars incase i killed the spores...its a couple of days later and i have growth in 1 jar its on the side and its the size of a quarter now


Well-Known Member
whats happnin wiv ya grow smell relly interested my pot is mostly automated now so i wanna 'nother hobby were me and friends can enjoy the harvest keep us updated man