bag seed


Active Member
Make sure that you kill all of the males if you don't want more seeds..........................................................................


Active Member
stick them in a cup of water until they sink then put them in the papertowel. they should sprout in a few days. a friend of mine used to stick the papertowel in an audio tape case. I know I don't have any of those laying around anymore but you get the idea. Just keep it warm and moist. I don't know if wraping it in plastic is bad but I would wrap it loose to be safe


Well-Known Member
Don't waste your time trying to grow that,but if you want to know a way to germinate:
firstly grab a small jar.I've used my son's old baby food jars.Secondly,put distilled water into the jar(s) and add a little of phosphorus food to the water,add seeds.Thirdly,put jar in a cool dark place overnight and in the morning look for seeds that are sitting on the bottom of the jar and those seeds are the ones to plant.Any seeds still floating remove them and the are castaway's. Happy planting.


New Member
exactly my point. It is like a box of chocolates. There is a certain amount of suspense. An element of surprsie. :o

It might be a bad surprise but it might be a good one too.
Lol it always makes me laugh when people say bagseed will always remain shit weed even though with all the grow journals done RIU that show good results from bagseed....

"Its like a box of chocolate, you never know what your gonna get". Lol, pick the best looking seeds and try it.

Lacy, farmer? I need a job..... lol
I just got approved for my card so I am going to be legal.

I'd be growing it to if the people selling me quarters are letting that many seeds get in my sacks... :confused:
ps: Lacy you have a beautiful flower garden :hump:
thanks and you are welcome.

yes it was rather ridiculous that i got so many seeds. I knew i was buying shit weed- thats why i payed shit prices. thank you for the encouragement.

i want various methods on germinating- not commentary on whether or not to use the seeds

and lets not kid ourselves here. At one time or another we have all bought shitty weed before. :roll::peace:


Well-Known Member
I have to say go for it man....i germ seeds in about a day and a half using a small plate and some toilet paper folded under and over them...then just fill the plate with water. Bag seed grows can turn out real nice man...just make sure you use enough toilet paper that it wont dry out in 2 hours



Well-Known Member
I take a paper towel and get it nice and wet and fold it in half like 3 times and put the seed in the middle and put that in a cup and just make sure it stays wet. usually sprouts in like 2-3 days, some take about a weeks tho.

also, I've herd the theory that if the tail is curly it SHOULD be female. theres a thread about that here
I only read like the first page of it so I dont know if it has been proven or disproven, but more evidence never hurts!

now my understanding of bagseed(someone please correct me if im wrong)....
If you get a bag with a lot of seeds that just means that there was a male plant nearby. So if you grow a seed from that bag, with no males nearby, you will have seedless weed that is better than the bagseed you originally bought. and the more seeds are in the bag, the better the final product will be compared to the origional bag because the plant stops producing THC when it start producing seeds.

my bagseed from some mids...forget which bag tho lol

Click for bigger picture
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Well-Known Member
i think its fun to grow bagseeds. just save good looking bagseeds for a while. then after a couple months, pick out random ones and see what they grow into! i've got a few plants growin' and they're all bagseed and lookin' pretty nice...
1st plant

2nd plant

3rd plant
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Active Member
I take a paper towel and get it nice and wet and fold it in half like 3 times and put the seed in the middle and put that in a cup and just make sure it stays wet. usually sprouts in like 2-3 days, some take about a weeks tho.

now my understanding of bagseed(someone please correct me if im wrong)....
If you get a bag with a lot of seeds that just means that there was a male plant nearby. So if you grow a seed from that bag, with no males nearby, you will have seedless weed that is better than the bagseed you originally bought. and the more seeds are in the bag, the better the final product will be compared to the origional bag because the plant stops producing THC when it start producing seeds.
Thank you all for the advice. I have put the good looking seeds in a cup of distilled water. as they split i have been putting them in my seedling medium. I am going to try to actually get some to show their taproot by using the paper towel method that many of you have talked about.

my concern now is about the floating vs sinking. While i was pulling out the ones that sank i disturbed some of the floating ones. some of them then sank after being touched. so now i am more inclined to really only watch for splitting rather than just the sinking. any thoughts? comments?


Well-Known Member
Thank you all for the advice. I have put the good looking seeds in a cup of distilled water. as they split i have been putting them in my seedling medium. I am going to try to actually get some to show their taproot by using the paper towel method that many of you have talked about.

my concern now is about the floating vs sinking. While i was pulling out the ones that sank i disturbed some of the floating ones. some of them then sank after being touched. so now i am more inclined to really only watch for splitting rather than just the sinking. any thoughts? comments?
Sinking vs. floating has only to do with the air content inside the seed. I'd be interested to hear an argument as to what that has to do with the viability of the seed.

As you disturb seeds that have split, you probably turned them so the water can fill the void where there was air in the seed, and so they sank. You have enough seeds - do an experiment using the paper towel method and tell us whether the floaters germinate or not.


Active Member
Sinking vs. floating has only to do with the air content inside the seed. I'd be interested to hear an argument as to what that has to do with the viability of the seed.

As you disturb seeds that have split, you probably turned them so the water can fill the void where there was air in the seed, and so they sank. You have enough seeds - do an experiment using the paper towel method and tell us whether the floaters germinate or not.
I am doing such as we speak. i will let you know. keep tuned- and look for my grow journal- it is soon to come. I would love your advice on that as well.