Barney's Farm LSD with PICS!!!

Here's my results. Let me know what you think.

First pic is at day 50.


Second pic is day 59. This top got too heavy and fell so she got cut.


If anyone has any tips on drying/curing a bud this big I'm all ears. If normal drying/curing will suffice then I will do that.

Thanks for viewing:)

Kite High

Well-Known Member
cut it up some so it won't mold...really nice btw...IOW pull or cut the clusters apart

ps-nice avie "lucy"


Active Member

I have a pack of Barney's LSD from Attitude, but I haven't touched it because those deng freebies.... I hope my LSD would be just as nice as yours!!!

...back to the subject matter: standard curing/drying. avoid flash drying rather keep it slow. if the branches are snapping then your drying to fast... otherwise, loooks great!!!
kite high - I appreciate the input. I will be sure to pull it apart a bit on this one. Possibly a few others too. Thanks for the avatar comment too. I could look at that pic for while and not see the same piece of detail twice.

Taipanspunk - thanks for the comments. I will definitely dry slow. This was done in aurora soil (green bag) with up to1300ppm using nectar for the gods advanced line. Under 600w and flushed damn near 2 weeks. On that note I'd love to do this in hydro as I assume the yield would be very generous. With that said I'd say give yours a try. Genetics were the same across the board with mine. Good luck!

Thanks for commenting.


New Member
Can you please give me tips on using nectar for the gods? Every time i switch to flower i get issues with lower yellow leaves and burnt tips.. im not feeding

Heave.. i don't know what im doing wrong.. veg ph 5.8-60 and flower 6.2-6.4 .. thx ahead of time


Well-Known Member
Looks like you have the mazar looking pheno... Dark leaves, huge colas... Wonderful job! I loved that pheno. How's the smell? Weird? Unique? Funky? I am also running this again and have found the skunk pheno..absolutely in love with this plant! I would ppay pics but idk how from an iPhone :(