Basho is Bored (The Haiku Game)


Ursus marijanus
Sharpness pierces vein
Push the plunger ... here it comes
Oh my god this stuff makes me talk a mile a minute i just get so gabby does that happen t


Total Head

Well-Known Member
long and bumpy log
poking out of blue water
plumbing's on the fritz

swamp-ass and pit stains
shampoo is warmer than pee
fuck you, summertime


Ursus marijanus
The dogs of summer
split their buns. Why do I taste
sweat in my relish.

They roll in dead things:
onions, mustard, sauerkraut.
Add beer and baseball.


Well-Known Member
Shrooms, a call away..
So what is holding me back?
my mind's not at ease.

Nope.. just trying to be smart..
avoiding bad trips.

I know my limits.
Though I do want to test them..
Must resist the urge.