
Active Member
Hey Doe,
I'm pretty much planning on letting them grow as long as they need to - they are Northern Lights and they say 6 to 8 weeks so I'm in for the long haul until they are ready to pop... this is my first grow so I don't really have a set plan when to pull them. I'm assuming when the time is right I'll know...

I'm using a 420 watt HPS light - it's built into the box. I couldn't imagine dealing with six plants right now - 2 was more than a handful and for a while I actually had 3 but one turned out to be a male so he got wasted.

How are you growing your plants?


Active Member

I am currently growing my six plants in 10 inch by ten inch pots in a soil medium that I made myself. I started out with 11 plants, that grew pretty quickly, and I let them veg for about 6 weeks... I was pretty niave about the containers they were in and I actually kept them in 32 oz cups for about 4 weeks of there growth... But once I transplanted them and moved them to the flowering closet... boy did i see a difference... five turned to males and now i am left with six budding females... my tallest one is about three feet....

feel free to check out my grow journal... and leave a comment if you feel compelled to do so, feedback is my reason for joining this site... :bigjoint:

my grow journal can be found at https://www.rollitup.org/grow-journals/4191-ima-newbie-but-evrythings-goin.html


Well-Known Member
wow dude, i cant belive you bought a bloom box, i have wanted one for a long time now. im glad too see that it works good. someday soon i will get one i hope


Well-Known Member
That box looks cool, but i was looking at the photos and i saw that it was really brite up top, but the bottom doesnt look like it gets much light... Is this right, and if it is, how are you dealing with it? If it is getting lots of light down below... Tell Me to Stuff It. :-D

EDIT: Oh, and how much did that thing cost?



Active Member
Things are still chugging along in the Bloombox:

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SCEPTER: the light is definitely brighter at top but there's some good growth near the bottom and I think it's doing ok - can you ever really balance the light perfectly, I don't know. It cost around $2200. Not cheap but for the price of quality weed in the city (approx. $600 oz), it will eventually pay itself off (I hope). Just need a couple more bountiful harvests.

For Till and anyone interested in getting the Bloombox, it's pretty awesome - it's all automated and has been working like a charm. However, and maybe this is the case with any closet of cabinet grow, it's really tight on space and is becoming impossible to maneuver in there. I've been bending and trying to work it out but it gets harder to do anything as they get bigger - the front branches are literally busting out of the box and they are not getting optimum light but look ok. Couldn't imagine having more than 2 plants but I guess it works. Next time I will start bending much sooner. I see that experience is the key and my next grow will be much smoother overall.



Active Member


Active Member
Here's the latest. Should I be concerned with the tips? I don't believe my strength is too high - does it look like nute burn?



Well-Known Member
wow man im getting a bloom box forsure now,... you just grew a sative plant which are usually 6 feet outdoors and you bent the shit out of it, so i bet that would of been near 6 feet, buy some Lowryder seeds, you could have 10 plants then Run it one 24hours of light these seeds are weird they dont need to be thrown into 12/12... Just leave the light on 24 hours for 8 weeks.... but you can only grow 11g from 9 1 foot plants... they rarley grow over one foot. but you have one beautiful grow man!! keep it up

48th day of flower? or the whole grow... you will need 75days of flower.


Well-Known Member
dejm, you are gonna love the smoke, but probably hate the harvesting part of it...lol thats too much for me tho, i'd hate to do all of that trimming..have you had any samples yet??


Active Member
Well, it's still going on here. I decided to harvest a few buds to get my feet wet and to have something to smoke and to rearrange the plants inside for maximum exposure. They are finished but the rest I will really let finish - very strong Sativa traits here, hence the insanely long flowering period. It will be over 12 1/2 weeks flowering by the time I'm done.

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I barely dented the box either as you can see - there's a lot more buddage inside still and they are going the distance - these pics are from 3 days ago - the buds inside the Bloombox are totally covered with crystals and bursting. It's gorgeous.

I'm drying in a box with dental floss strung across and I bought wire to wrap the stems and S hooks to hang them - working nicely. You can also see my new can filter. Works like a charm.


Active Member
With some shorter indica's, trimming and lst. next time you'll have it licked. what is the air filter in the last pic for, do they smell through the box....or does the coco carbon filter work. any ways in getting one for sure just a matter of time. keep up with the chron XD


Active Member
Harvest time!

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It dried in only 2 or 3 days due to unseasonable chilly weather and 0 humidity. They are now in mason jars and drying nicely. There was just over 7 ounces. It already smokes great the little bit I've tried. Many of the trichomes were cloudy to amber so I might be in for a wild ride. Even the trim/shake is pretty stoney so can't wait for the good stuff.

Hey ADULT: the carbon filter was for the weed out of the Bloombox. the box fought the smell perfectly - it's when I started yanking plants and sticky buds out of there that the smell became really strong. For anyone looking to get a BC Bloombox, I "highly" recommend it. 7 ounces was in there from only 2 plants - and next time I'll bend them a little better and get them in when they are smaller so I can work them.

In my city, an oz. of good pot costs $650. At 7 ounces that's $4,550 dollars. It already paid for itself!


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Now all we need you to do is post pictures of the Bloom box break down so we cdan make our own version for under 500 bucks lol.Seriously post pictures of everypart of this with measurments.