Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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Well-Known Member
those guys look like they are off to a great start! good luck, you should make a grow log to document it! Here is a cool pic i took, almost looks like a painting...


Well-Known Member
lol not blurry i was moving the camera pretty fast when i took it, well slight change in plans, i wont be visiting my babies till monday, because im gonna go rent a golfcart, drink some miller lites, and jump a few sand traps.


Well-Known Member
It's not blurry. It's supposed to be like that. If you stare in the center of the image for a long time the image changes into Beaner basking in a sea of ganja...... stare really, really, really hard after taking several hits of your favorite cronik or tonik.............. you'll see it. It changes right before your eyes.

WOW. Good work, Beaner


Active Member
Beaner, your log has truly inspired me... no joke man. I have just started germinating the seeds for my first outgrow (or any grow for that matter) and I am directly jacking your paper cup method, with the fence over it. Just a question... How long do you let them grow in cups before you change the pot? Or do you just put the into the ground then? Also, how often do you water your plants? I have read many different tips on this, and I would feel honored to hear your opinion.:mrgreen:

Take it easy man. Nice Work.



Active Member
haha, ya... Then they'll call me a racist and since half the people in my town happen to be beaners, I'll be lynched and made into a burrito.


Well-Known Member
i am just doing that because the pots are too big to keep in my little indoor veg chamber, the plants are already outgrowing there pots. im going to bring them all outside and keep them in cups like that till they get a little bigger, so i have time to mix soil with half composted leaves and junk and fill the bags and drag them out to the swamp. im going to finish my indoor flowering box this weekend hopefully so i can put a bigger batch of seeds out next run whenever they come in the mail hopefully soon.


Well-Known Member
okay my babies are very unhappy today, they did not like sitting the night taped up in a box and in there tiny pots on top of that, they are a bit discolored, lighter green, and the tips of the leaves are curling a bit, but the ten i put in the bigger pots are recovering really fast so with luck this wont stunt these guys all that much. next batch im using bigger pots and less vermiculite.

Today i had several goals, go to my old coldframe site, and get all the soil i stashed there, as well as fence and cups and bags and shovels and tarps and all that junk. then i had to make 3 plots by using one bag of soil to fill 2 grow bags. i was to make 30 bags, then find three plots, lay down root block, and tote the 30 bags out to the swamp, then surround them with fence, transplant plants, water them, and finally, encircle them with a copper ring to ward off slugs.

It took me 6 trips to get all my junk and bring it to the far edge of the forest. i like to take zigzaggy routes as i skirt around the swampy parts and stick to high ground. i step on branches and logs whenever possible to leave as little trail as i can. of course never take the same route twice...On one trip i found this mushroom, it looks kind of like a morel although i don't think it is because it's yellow.

Well mixing the soil with leaves and junk was a lot more work than i anticipated, and i managed to get 10 done in about half an hour.

I went looking deep into the swamp for hidden clearings and found hundreds of perfect little spots of highground surrounded by willow bushes big enough to hide them all summer but far enough away to not shade them, on the other side, 9 foot tall reeds for a quarter mile than a swampy creek. it's the perfect area, and even though there are tons of spots closer, that would take way less work, i have decided on the deapest swampiest most unaccessable spot in the whole forest. with a little luck this will keep them unnoticed all summer.

I layed down some root block and started carrying the ten bags out 4 at a time, the bags really blend in well here, i lost the spot every time and coudn't see it unless i was within ten feet of it. finnally i got them all out there and surrounded by fence, i tucked the handles in and added a little grass for cammo, i will hide the fence much better tomorow.

unfortunatly it was almost completely dark so i took all the plants and put them in the field for the night covered in plastic wrap and fence, except for one plant that was doing particularly poorly, he was planted in the ground in a field by himself just to see if he will survive without my help.

tomorow or the next day i will come and finish my last two plots and get all the plants transplanted to there final plots. then it is just a waiting game for my next seeds to come in the mail...


Well-Known Member
Today i am taking a break, my neck and shoulders are killing me from carrying all that soil and fencing, and my whole body itches, ticks are all over the place now, im finding them everywhere in my house. the plants wont last long in those tiny pots, and from the news we arent' going to get much rain(assholes have been predicting storms since wednesday). I hate the news, i would have camped out there any night this past week, and finished all my work, but the news always incorrectly said it would rain all the next day. hopefully overdosing on creatine and L-glutamien will get me in shape to do it tomorow. that and a little of natures asprin. lol

After searching the swamp with google maps and terra-server(anyone know of another map site?) I discovered that the creek i am planting near goes right through the middle of my entire growing area, and the plot i set up, just happens to be the farthest spot from civilazation on all side, thats good luck because i couldn't see very far on the other side of the creek and was worried there might be hidden atv trails that could go neer the other shores. now i am free to put as many plants as i can phisicly get out there, seriously thinking about getting an older plant or two from a freind and seeing how quickly i can clone her out, as i really want to push the limit out there. we will see, does anyone have any ideas as to how i could get a large amount of plants fast??? i want to order more seeds, but don't know if i have time to wait for them...


Well-Known Member

get like 6 older plants and in a month or so you will have 30-60 clones i would do it all the way up until august


Well-Known Member
yeah the way it's looking im going to be doing this till august, i lost my cloning gell, it sucks, i know, I only use Olivia's Cloning Gel, best stuff ever made but it costs 16 bucks for a tiny jar. gotta pick that up tomorow when i get more virmiculite from my grow shop. still another 2 weeks till stupid nirvana seeds really hoping to come up with a clone or a few seeds from a freind so i can get a clone mom started soon, these first 30 plants are inferior genetics, i sprouted them because i was bored, and necessety has made me plant them but i don't wish to clone them and have even more late flowering skunk #1s.


Well-Known Member
The only growers i know are buddies that i have inspired, and of the 3 only 2 are currently growing, both very small personal grows, frankly i don't know how to get a mother except by growing one or two myself, i just wont have time to grow one from seed. maybe a rooted clone but i dunno.


Well-Known Member
I use the following link to get great aerials for work. You probably won't be able to use my favorite feature (bird's eye view) because it only works in populated areas, but I still like it better than google.

Live Local Search


Well-Known Member
i can't figure that thing out, all it says is what and where and can't find my roads...thanks though! any hints to get it working? the google map is out of date and terra servers is not in high enough resolution to zoom in much.
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