Beaner has toooo much time on his hands!

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Well-Known Member
jesus is amazing!!! super up to date pictures, can even see the individual branches on the dead trees, i can find individual tiny clearings with this thing!!!! this is awsome, i only wish i could print off my whole swamp in full zoom, that would be awsome.


Well-Known Member
she got all kinds of stuff. to bad i still can't swallow. i keep going in the kitchen and grabbing stuff to eat and then realizing i still can't eat. sucks.


Well-Known Member
on I just put the street address followed by a comma and the zip code in the bottom of the two input boxes. If it can't find it I put a nearby address and then manually navigate to my address. However, I just used and it appears to be using the same maps. So I don't think will be any better for you than the bird's eye function works for you, and I don't think it will.


Well-Known Member
what is birds eye view, even more zoomed in???I get lost with it as it is, i can see bushes that are 4 feet diameter....and best yet i found a way to get over the river i am planting along so i can plant the other side as well! thats huge for me, it tripples the space i have to conceal them, so if somone finds one plot, they hopefully wont find them all. i was just thinking, i could buy a flat bottom skiff and come harvest and just pole in from the road to the plants, and put the bins in the canoe and get picked up on the oposite side, hell we could do it at night, and be completely hidden because the creek is at the bottom of a 10 foot deep ditch. not to mention a canoe or skiff would be almost silent with just a pole for pushing. one person could carry and transport the entire harvest by themselves!!!

Well i still don't quite feel up to going out and finishing my first 3 plots but i don't really have much of a choice, as my plants are rootbound in there tiny jiffy pots, and not liking it at all. hopefully none died but i just could'nt drag myself out there yesterday. tomorow i have to go shopping for the biggest pots i can fit in my new flowering box, as i have many more seeds coming now. to keep up with the seeds i will be germinating ill be spending at least 1-2 nights at the swamp this week so i will have more time to finish my work. gonna build a very small coffin like shelter in a depression so as to not attract any undue attention. with the looks of this season ill be spending the last 2-4 weeks out there as well...but that depends on how secluded i really am, only time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Bird's eye view kicks ass. You get a view from about a 45 degree angle that looks like it's about 500 feet up. You can then look from all four sides of the property. It's only available in zoomed in locations that get a lot of queeries, such as cities. The pictures usually are about a year old on all these sites.


Well-Known Member
man i wish i could see that, i remember terraserver used to have 3d maps, that you could rotate and "walk through" I used to have endless fun navagating the hills of northern cali, it is really beautiful out there, flat pics don't do it justice, can't wait to see it in person.

on another note, just thought i would pass along a tip, if pack space is limited like it is for me, or you just don't want to carry around bulky bird books and binoculars as an excuse for being in the woods try this; Take an old fishing pole, no reel, just the kind of pole that breaks into two pieces, and put that sticking out of your pack, i have a bright colored chartruese spinnerbait with the hook point snipped off, and the hook straightened and taped to the pole with black electric tape. that way they see the pole and lure and assume your fishing, and unless you are staring at the pole from less than 5 feet away you will never know it's just a decoy. avoid the double blade lures because they make an awful jangling...


Well-Known Member
Come on beaner man, you was just on here and no updates....I'm jonesin, just give me 1 pic maybe 2....Pleaseeeeeeee.


Well-Known Member
lol thats good to hear! I was starting to think nobody was paying attention to the thread...don't worry nogrow, as soon as i come in my apartment i stumble to the computer and look around, make a few posts, then i take a shower and eat some food, then finally im ready to start digging through my pack and uploading pics. your wait is over, here is todays journal entry.

Okay well i went out to the swamp today to get my last three plots completely finished and ready to leave alone, once they get to this point ill generally let them be on there own for a week, then two untill they show sex, then every 3 weeks after males have been killed.

I transplanted the first ten in the plot i prepared on saturday, then setup and prepared one more site, and transplanted.

Afterwards i went back to base camp to build a small fire and cook some of my famous potroast. I wouldn't recomend building fires unless very remote as it will atract attention, if you do be sure to use the driest wood, as it smokes the least.

while it was cooking i transplanted the last 10 into 16 oz cups and put them in the field under a cage till tomorow or the next day. i could have setup the final plot and probably should have but the wind picked up and heavy clouds were rolling in. I used this time to go explore the new area i found with that site was a godsend, turns out there was a way to cross the creek, and the otherside is at least 6 times larger and infanitely better for hiding my plants.

I also found a way to access the other side from the road, and it isn't quite as far a hike, but much swampier. i have located a second base of operations for bagging dirt and tranplanting. It also happened to be a very good morel hunting ground, i found about a pound of huge mushies!!!!gonna cook these bad boys up with some steak and a half pound burger with swiss!!!! they are a delacacy (i suck at spelling) around here.

as for getting the dirt accross the the river that will be somewhat difficult. hopefully i can get my helper bitch(new title recieved for consistantly flaking on days with most work) to sit on one side of the river while i hike downstream half a mile and over a big moss covered log and meet him on the other side, we are going to use an inflatable tube sled to ferry the bags and equptment accross, then deflate and pack away.

the other side of the creek looks like this: first the ten feet of ground closest to shore, are covered with 12 foot tall wild rice, after that is about 300 feet of very very very dence willow bushes growing in very wet swampy boggy land, with a clearing every 20 feet or so. just perfect growing as far as im concerned, as it took me 5 min just to move about 20 feet through this thicket, and only at the expense of mud to my knees and filling my shoes. after that 50 feet of swampy grassland and then oldgrowth forest for about 4 miles.

the worst thing is going to be finding the plants once they are planted. which is a good thing, all im worried about is making the chances of my plants being ripped go down to zero. there are three main factors that could ruin this years harvest as i see it, plant death(Ive got that,ripping, and leo bust. hopefully by planting so remote the two will be taken care of then i just have to keep them alive which shouldn't be a problem, my dad has been growing for 25+ years and i can and will be bringing him in to take a look at them periodicly durring the season.


Well-Known Member
i'll be your bitch, i'll be your bitch!!!!!!!!!!

nice morells(sp). i hear they are delicious.

can i come live with you for the summer.


Well-Known Member
well you can stay in the woods and guard the roadtrips ok? lol yeah right i would love to be able to grow in my back yard. do you think they would give a war vet a perscription for phantom pains? the weed does help the pain of losing a foot to shrapnel...


Active Member
lol i dont usually bother heading for the woods until mine have at least dropped the water leaves and the stem is starting to harden up, too many insects like to eat fresh shoots and if thier is only 1 tip growing on the plant at the time its pretty fatal for seedlings but anyways let us know how many survive the first week ;-)


Well-Known Member
they are about 2-3 weeks old i think, and i normally keep them in for another week, at least till they have 3 sets of palmated leaves, but i was having ventalation issues with my new squirrel fans and had to put them out early. the next batch of 50 seeds will be in my larger flowering box for 3-4 weeks. so stay tuned! It's a strain 4 years in the making, developed by a master breeder, who goes by the moniker of "fdd2blk" and with his permission of course i would like to cross a male roadtrip with one of my female mighty mites, i will also hopefully be making mighty mite f2's for next year as well as kc33/masterkush/ mightymite.
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