Been wondering about FDD and KMK


Well-Known Member
I was not in camera operating mode at the time lol. Sorry.
I bet......all shit faced sittin on the floor lol.......I got so drunk of 1800 and smoked some weed with some Mexican's(probably laced) and I was walking through the hood and I was so fucked up I sat in the middle of the sidewalk for about ten minutes watching the road move at 4 am......I think it was laced with K.J.


Well-Known Member
I'm suprised you left that bathroom with all your holes intact......this guy looks creepy girl.
He's not just creepy looking. He's a total creep. I'm not kidding. Like after the bar incident, he saw me driving down the road once, and he flipped his car around (like a friggin crazy person in the middle of the road) and started following me. Closely. I thought he was going to ram my car. So I changed lanes...and pulled up next to another car. He flipped around again and went the other way. It was sooo unnerving. I think he was getting my license plates so he could look up my name. THEN supposedly some damage happened to his car, and he told the police he thought I may have been involved (my name was spray painted on it)...and I got to thinking...if someone was going to do something like that FOR me, they wouldn't incriminate me by putting my name on it! So I think he did it so my information would be on a police report for him.


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Staff member
He's not just creepy looking. He's a total creep. I'm not kidding. Like after the bar incident, he saw me driving down the road once, and he flipped his car around (like a friggin crazy person in the middle of the road) and started following me. Closely. I thought he was going to ram my car. So I changed lanes...and pulled up next to another car. He flipped around again and went the other way. It was sooo unnerving. I think he was getting my license plates so he could look up my name. THEN supposedly some damage happened to his car, and he told the police he thought I may have been involved (my name was spray painted on it)...and I got to thinking...if someone was going to do something like that FOR me, they wouldn't incriminate me by putting my name on it! So I think he did it so my information would be on a police report for him.
That sounds like an intricate web to weave, however never underestimate your adversary.
My advice would be to back away rapidly from him.

BTW, what exactly does the badge say ? Does it have a serial # on the front ?


Well-Known Member
Well lol, I just got so terribly drunk. And I went into the girls bathroom and sat on the floor in one of the stalls (whatever, don't judge me, I couldn't stand) but I wasn't sick or anything. It's just that the lights in the bathroom are actually censor lights, so they come on when there's movement in the bathroom. Well since I was the only one in there and I didn't move for a while, the lights went off. And it was just so very cool in there and comforting, hell I just went to sleep on the floor...

He said (lol) OK he told me he's a correctional officer. A police officer. A military martial arts instructor. A cagefighter. A ninja. I'm forgetting one I think, hang on...oh! And a bouncer at the nightclub I was at! Ya. I took off my star necklace when I was really wasted and threw it at him. I wasn't trying to be mean, I was seeing if he would turn around and catch it between his fingers like a real ninja in the movies. But he didn't. So I went to sleep in the bathroom lol.
The funniest thing I do drunk (or so I'm told) is argue with myself in the mirror! bongsmilie

The scariest thing I've done drunk was trying to score coke I got into the dude's car and when it started moving he convinced me he was driving me back to the bar but then we were on the freeway and he demanded a BJ and I snapped sober enough to tell him I am way too good at them to risk an accident and played nice so when we got to his hood he went to see if his bitch was awake and I booked it through the hood, through backyards I was so scared until I ran flat into a school door that opened for me and I passed out in the lobby until the pigs were there threatening the dogs on me but I told them dogs love me and they told me this neighborhood had the highest crime rate in the city then they left me on the corner... anyways I'm heading to Vegas next week let's party!


Well-Known Member
It's Jery Garcia's birthday and I think this is perfect:

Dedicated to all the POWs of the Drug War
mellowfarmer.. youre alright haha, its jerry week.. decided to change the avatar and be peaceful, woke up to a fat bowl this morning and got down on one of my favorite dead medleys


Well-Known Member
mellowfarmer.. youre alright haha, its jerry week.. decided to change the avatar and be peaceful, woke up to a fat bowl this morning and got down on one of my favorite dead medleys
I'm smoking shake an Rainbow is out dude! Care to Share? ;-)